Chapter 2

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Their confidence in me felt even heavier with everything else I was carrying, but it was also obnoxiously contagious.

I met my friends' eyes with new fire in my soul. "Thank you, guys. Really."

Soon, we disembarked. The cold Alaskan wind was piercing even with the improved thermal clothing we'd been issued. We couldn't get indoors fast enough.

When we got inside, we were quickly escorted into a large auditorium filled with young Pandora and Limiters from all over the world.

I will say that it was quite a sight to behold, but I couldn't help feeling my nerves tense. I could feel countless eyes drawn to me as our team entered the venue. The dull clamor of conversations became peppered with snickers and jeers. "Check it out. It's the Ace of Spades and his grunts." "Ace of spayed and neutered is more like it." "What a joke."

I couldn't stop the shame and embarrassment that nipped at the back of my wounded pride, but I maintained a brave face. It sucked, but what my guys had said was true. I couldn't change the past. I just had to focus on what was ahead. Soon, every one of these punks would eat their words.

Attention was called to the podium at the front of the assembly. The lady at the mic introduced herself as Dr. Scarlett Ohara, the brains behind the E-Pandora Project. "Thank you all so much for joining us for this remarkable occasion," she began. "I'm sure you would all like to know exactly why we have summoned this collection of brave soldiers to our remote locale. Allow me, at this time, to explain."

I have to say Dr. O. wasn't a chore to look at, but she sure did like to hear herself talk. To make a long story short, she explained what the E-Pandora Project was all about. More kids get to become soldiers despite having low stigma compatibility thanks to a bunch of sciencey mumbo-jumbo, and our purpose in being there was to test out their progress.

It really wasn't a complicated concept, but OH MY GOD!!!!! That opening assembly ended up lasting like 4 1/2 freaking hours. I literally felt like a giant magnet was going to yank my forehead straight into a brick wall. I actually ran to the exit when she finally decided to shut the hell up.GAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

The rest of the day was spent getting set up and settled in. We were informed that we would be there for at least a week, so we might as well get comfortable. Everyone was issued new uniforms, with Pandora and Aces getting hooked up with new Volt Textures. Apparently, Dr. O. had designed them. The new threads were a little itchy at first, but at least they were warm. We then got boarding assignments. Each partnership was to share a room, so I was bunking with Satellizer. The rest of my team and their own partners were all assigned to rooms in the same hall.

The rooms were small compared to our private suites back at West Genetics but nice enough for a week or so. The rest of the facilities were pretty great though. Big cafeteria with kick-ass eats, geothermal pools, and top-of-the-line gym equipment. All-in-all, I was convinced that the week or so we would be there would be, at least, semi-tolerable.

The first round of combat experiments would be held in two days, so I chose to enjoy the accommodations while I could. Between training, swimming, and hanging out with Satella, the time passed by quickly. There were also some blood tests scattered in there, but those were whatever.

We were notified the night before who would be participating in the first round of testing. Each participant from the several Genetics Academies would be paired against a subject of the E-Pandora Project. I found a note pinned to my door which said I'd been selected to face one of the Project's "Evolved Limiters".yay...

The next day, the participants gathered around the ring at the center of the cylindrical arena, while all others found seats in the stands or in viewing boxes on the higher levels. A voice came over the speakers announcing the start of the combat experiments, as well as the rules for each duel. "Fight until the opponent surrenders or is incapacitated," the voice said.

I couldn't help looking over our counterparts on the opposite side of the ring with a bit of concern. The Stigmata in our bodies made us unnaturally strong and durable. I knew that was the whole point of this Project, but what if our opponents simply didn't measure up? If we didn't hold back during our fights, many of the young people before my eyes could easily be killed by accident.

Despite my discomforts, our objective in this exercise was clear. We were to fight as if our lives depended on it. 

I watched as the bouts began and subsequently ended. One after another, each resulted just as I had predicted. The E-Pandora were decimated. Most of them couldn't even generate their own Volt Weapons. They were strong compared to normal people and could definitely take a hit, but it was nothing in comparison to the sheer speed and power of our originals. At some point, I just stopped watching until Miss Elizabeth Mably stepped into the ring. Her opponent, Amelia Evans, was considerably stronger than her fellows. She could generate a Volt Weapon and could even pull off an Acceleration Turn. She showed promise and guts. I admired her for that, but, in the end, even she proved no match for the original. Elizabeth gave her a beating that literally left her unconscious on her feet.

After the Pandora had completed their lineup, it was time for the boys to take their turns. "First bout-" came the announcement. "Evolved Limiter Garret Rutherford vs Ace Limiter (F/n) (L/n) of West Genetics, Japan."

I stepped sullenly into the ring to face a young man with mixed green and black hair. He was probably 2 or 3 inches taller than me and of medium build. Not too bulky, obviously preferring speed and form over brute strength. I could respect that. He held a long iron javelin in his hands. I assumed he must have been incapable of generating a Volt Weapon, like many of his female counterparts. 

"Begin," ordered the announcer.

My opponent took a defensive stance with his weapon ready. I simply stood where I was and let out a deep exhausted sigh. I then turned toward the booth overlooking the ring where I knew Dr. Ohara and the other officials were watching. "This is pointless!" I shouted in frustration.

Confused muttering fluttered among the onlookers as my opponent gaped at me in shock. I kept my eyes on the tinted glass of the booth as I called out again. "You've seen enough to know that these subjects are not ready to take on the originals. It's been made pretty obvious! No one else needs to get hurt!"

"Hey!" Mr. Rutherford shouted at me in offense. "You have no idea what I can do! We haven't even started fighting yet!"

I turned to him with an agitated look on my face. "Are you even HALF as powerful as the young lady that just fought?" I asked with narrowed eyes. 

His eyes widened as my question slapped him back to reality. "Uh..." he muttered.

"You saw how she ended up. Even with all her strength and determination, she will spend the next few days in a hospital bed after Elizabeth took it easy on her."

Another Evolution Limiter shouted from outside the ring, "That Mably girl is third in the world! The odds were against Amelia from the start! Who are you to say Garret doesn't have a chance?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" came the cheers from his comrades. "Quit acting high and mighty just because you're an original. We have just as much right to fight as you!" another boy shouted.

"Go on No. 18! Show us what you've got! Garret will beat you!" came the jeers.

"This is ridiculous," I muttered to myself. These people just didn't get it.

I finally gave up. I looked at my stubborn opponent. Sadness ached within me. I had no choice. I gestured with my hand for him to bring it on.

Garret took a deep breath and roared as he charged me. He was fast compared to even an Olympic sprinter, but he was a snail to me. He drove his javelin toward my chest, only for me to sidestep and take hold of the weapon with one hand. With one swift kick, I sent the boy flying back to the point where he'd started. He lay on his back for a while as I simply stood sullenly with his javelin still in my hand. 

I really wished he'd have just stayed down, but he groaned as he stumbled to his feet. He proved to be just as stubborn as the rest. 

I sighed heavily. There was a point to be made, and I had no alternative. "Forgive me," I whispered. Like a bolt of lightning, the javelin flew from my hand and speared through Garret's chest to mid-shaft. He jolted at the impact, sank to his knees, and flopped onto his side with a thud. This fight was over, and the arena was silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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