Meeting people

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" Hawkins Indiana" a short boy (will) said I nod still it knowing what that means,
" here" one of the older guys (Steve) said and offered a hand to me, I take it and go to stand but end up falling cause of my ankle, he caught me before I hit the floor and helped me to the car, one of the guys (Steve)started driving and about 3 minutes into the drive I ended up passing out.

Currently :
Ruth's pov
I woke up to someone shaking me I slowly opened my eyes to be meet with a blinding light,
"Did I die??" I say and put my hand over my eyes I heard a chuckle and looked over to be meet with a kinda scrawny boy with a bowl cut styled hair,
"Hello" he said with a cheerful smile on
"My names will Byers" he said and put his hand out;
"Ruth Ives" I said and shook his hand
" do you wanna meet everyone?" I nodded and he helped me out of bed and walked with me to another room which seemed like a living room by the looks of it I see a group of people talking but everything halts when I step into the room,
"Ok let's start with my group" will says a points to a boy with black chin length hair and a baby face,
"this is mike wheeler" I wave and he huffs and sits down,
" ok then... next we have Lucas sainclair" he points to a darker skinned boy with short black hair he waves at me and I wave back he then turns and started talking to mike;
"then we have dustin Henderson" he points to a boy with shoulder length curly hair he waved with a toothy grin I smiled and waved back,
" then we have Nancy wheeler, mikes sister" he points at pale girl with shoulder length dirty blonde hair I wave at her and she smiles and waved back
"we have jonathon byers, my brother" he points to a guy with chin length brown hair I wave and so does he,
"then last but not least we have Steve Harrington" I wave and so does he;
"Oh and we have a two more people but there out right now max mayfield the one we found you with-" I instantly felt bad "- and eleven" he finishes "eleven?" I say he looks at me with a smile "yeah she super cool and has these cool powers" I go wide eyed
"Where is she." The sudden confidence surprised a couple of people,
"W-What?" Will asks
"I said 'where is she'" I said mike cuts in
"Don't tell her will" I put my hand out and swipe up the couch flips over and mike, Lucas, and Dustin all tumble to the floor everyone looks wide eyed.
The door opens and max walks in along with another girl I froze and someone pulled me out of the room they pull me into a room that looks like it would belong to a girl, I turn around and see Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan
"Where did you get those powers?" Steve asks I pull the sleeve of my shirt up and show him my left wrist the numbers:
001 tattooed in plain sight they gasp and I go to walk out of the room but Nancy pulls me back.
"Let's make it a surprise, ok?" I nod and Steve and Jonathan walk out of the room
"I'm gonna get you some new clothes you can take a bath there" she points to a door that goes off of her room I walk in and open the door I see a small room with white walls and tiles there was a toilet and a sink off to the right along with a bath near the back wall Nancy walks in with clothes in her hands she sets them on the toilet and walks to a cupboard in the corner across from the bathtub she takes out a towel and sets it with the clothes,
"You can use my shampoo and conditioner" says and gives me two bottles I nod
"And here is some body soap" she takes the two bottles form me and placed the three bottles on the side of the tub she turns the knob in the wall and water starts splashing from the metal pipe after the tub is halfway full and a fun conversation with Nancy she turns the knob again and the water stops she gets up and heads to the door
"If you need help just call" I nod and she walks out I strip from the dirty nightgown I was given years ago, and step into the warm water I lay for a second just relaxing then I ducked my head under the water soaking it I grabbed the shampoo bottle and lather my head with the soapy suds washing it out I put in the conditioner and do the same I grab the bottle of soap and wash my whole body soaking in the water a bit more I pull the plug and the water starts to drain stepping out being careful not to slip on the cold tiles I grab the towel and dry off picking up the underwear I slip into them then doing the same with the bra but I want able to get the clasps in the back done
" Nancy" I call out I hear light footsteps make there way to the bathroom door she opens it and walks in she smiles at me and does the clasps for me she puts the rest of the clothes onto the counter and sits on the toilet I grab the white blouse and slip it on over my head then taking the plaid pleated skirt and slipping it up my smooth legs and over my hips tucking the blouse into the skirt I turn to Nancy (Her outfit)

"Let's make it a surprise, ok?" I nod and Steve and Jonathan walk out of the room"I'm gonna get you some new clothes you can take a bath there" she points to a door that goes off of her room I walk in and open the door I see a small room with whit...

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"How do I look?" I ask she grins at me
"Adorable! here let me do your hair" I nod and we walk out of the bathroom she pulls a seat out at her vanity she motions for me to sit and so I do she takes a blow dryer and turns it on she points it at the back of my head and then suddenly there's hair everywhere we both bust out in laughter and giggles after maybe a solid minute of laughing she starts to blow dry my hair she takes a brush and runs it through my hair starting from the bottom and working her way up raking through the knots in my hair that reached my shoulders.
Eventually she got all the knots out and my hair was dry it was almost dark so she took a hair tie and put my hair in a bun and gave me a pair of silk shorts and silk tank top I changed in the bathroom and when I came back out the was a blanket on the floor a pillow and another blanket I payed on one blanket and pulled the other blanket over my head and soon enough I drift to sleep.

In the next chapter....

Ruth's pov
I wake up to again shaking, I open my eyes groggily and see Nancy already dressed
"Cmon get dressed everyone is downstairs eating breakfast " she says in a whisper, I nod and slowly rose in a sitting position

I can change you for the better ( billy x ruth)Where stories live. Discover now