confession - jinson

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it's august 24th, the day of jinyoungs wedding. this is the last day for jackson to confess to jinyoung, to tell him all about how he's been in love with him since grade 7. this is his last chance to get park jinyoung.

the problem is, jinyoung thinks jackson has a crush on yugyeom, the man jinyoung is marrying today. yet still, jackson is the one walking jinyoung down the aisle. but he doesn't want to be here at all.

he doesn't want to see the love of his life get married to someone that isn't him. it's gonna hurt too much, he doesn't want to be hurt by jinyoung anymore. he wants to leave but he can't, he won't disappoint jinyoung because of this.

jinyoung looks so handsome in his suit, jackson was hoping to get through today, and then leave, move back to hong kong and forget about jinyoung. he didn't want to be friends with him anymore, it hurt too much.

somehow the desire to confess to jinyoung burned in his stomach. although it might've been the nerves of having to walk jinyoung down the aisle, something was pushing him to tell his crush all of his feelings right now.

but the two were awkward right now. because 2 days ago jackson lied to jinyoung and told him he had a crush on yugyeom. now jinyoung felt weird, because yugyeom was his soulmate not jackson's.

but, if they were already awkward, it's not like jackson could really fuck anything else up, plus if he was leaving after this wedding, he shouldn't have to worry. it's not like he's ever gonna see jinyoung again.

"i'm sorry jinyoung." jackson finds himself saying, causing jinyoung to look over at him. "you have nothing to be sorry for." jinyoung tries to sound comforting, but he's feeling too uncomfortable and nervous right now.

"yes i do. you are so happy and i'm ruining it. you've been so excited to find your soulmate since we were 14, and now you finally have and i'm just ruining it because of a stupid fucking crush. i was so supportive back then because," jackson stops himself because he's nervous.

even though he's leaving, he doesn't want to ruin their friendship. maybe he should just let jinyoung think he likes yugyeom, then everything will be fine. jackson can find his soulmate and be happy with them while still being friends with jinyoung.

"because? because what?" jinyoung is curious, he wants to know what jackson was about to say. now jackson knows it's too late for him to back out and continue his yugyeom crush story, so he decides he might as well confess everything now.

"because i was secretly hoping i was your soulmate, for 4 long years, i held on to the hope that somehow we were each other's soulmates, because i was and still am so hopelessly in love with you that i could believe anything if it gave me just a bit of hope. but then we got our tattoos together on your birthday, and they didn't match. my heart broke that day, and it's still broken." jackson mumbles the last part.

"i've never bothered to look for my soulmate because, i've been hoping that maybe they've gotten it wrong, maybe you got the wrong tattoo. maybe we are soulmates and they fucked up. but that's clearly not gonna happen, and it hurts but it's okay. you're happy with yugyeom, that's what matters. you are happy." jinyoung is about to speak but jackson isn't finished.

"i'm in love with you park jinyoung. i have been for so long, and i've been so so scared to admit that because i know you'll never feel the same about me. it hurts, but you're happy, you're so happy and i love it, i want to be happy for you and supportive of the marriage but i'm not. see, i can't even be a good friend, jinyoung." jackson seems so broken, and it hurts jinyoungs heart.

he doesn't know what to say. he knew jackson had a crush, but jackson had always told him that his crush was on yugyeom, and that's why he felt bad about it. but now jinyoung was just confused and scared.

"i'm a bad friend jinyoung. i'm only gonna hurt and bring you down." jackson's voice is shaky, so he takes a deep breath to compose himself a bit. "which is why i'm leaving." jackson says, and looks into jinyoungs eyes, hoping to see empathy.

instead he just sees fear and confusion. and that causes pain for him, he's scaring jinyoung by telling him he loves him, and that hurts so fucking bad. he just wants to be happy with jinyoung but he can't.

"i was gonna leave after the wedding, but you know, i'll just leave now. i've already fucked everything up.." jackson says, quickly standing up and grabbing his stuff, before he's walking rather slowly towards the door. jinyoung hears him sigh before he finally opens the door and walks out.

jinyoung watches as he walks off, a blank expression on his face. he's so confused, he has so much to take in, his best friend just told him that he loved him, and now he's getting married in a few minutes.

he doesn't even make an effort to chase after jackson. he feels that it's useless, that's it's just going to hurt jackson more because it's true, he doesn't feel the same about him, he's in love with yugyeom, not jackson.

and he hates himself even more, because all he's thinking about is who's going to walk him down that aisle in 10 minutes now?

i have no idea if this is even good because i wrote it really quickly because i just got inspired.

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