blue and red ☆ markgyeom

328 21 14

yugyeom sat in the living room, he was staring at a wall. so many things were running through his mind, and there were tears streaming down his cheeks. he looked down at his shaking hands, which had the blood of his boyfriend, mark, on them.

as he stared at his hands, blue and red flashing lights filtered through the window of the kitchen. he jumped slightly when there was a loud knock on the door, and a voice saying "police, open up"

after a few seconds yugyeom stood up and walked over to open the door. 3 officers came in, immediately taking notice to the blood on his shirt and hands. they all looked at each other before looking back at yugyeom.

"where is he?" one of the officers asked, yugyeom looked down, before mumbling a quiet "basement." as soon as the words came out, 2 of the officers were on their way downstairs to check things out.

"how about we take a seat, yeah?" yugyeom nods, a tear slipping out of his eye, which he almost immediately wipes away and sniffles. he was sick of crying he didn't want to do it right now.

the 2 walked over to the couch and sat down, a silence taking over. the officer didn't know how to start this conversation, it was obviously a hard topic. yugyeom looked down at his hands again, a shaky exhale escaping him.

"so, why dont you tell me what happened?" yugyeom looked over at the man who looked to be in his mid 40's. the younger boy nodded, looking down at his fingers, which seemed to be moving on their own, fiddling to make him feel less anxious.

"start from the beginning."

trigger warning: heavy mentions of suicide and death

yugyeom opened the door to his and mark's shared home, dropping his backpack onto the floor. he had gone straight from school to his job, so he was excited to finally be home after such a long day.

at this point he just wanted to see his boyfriend, who didn't seem to be awake right now. yugyeom walked upstairs, heading to their room to see if he was in there, asleep.

when he opened the door, nobody was there. the bed had been made, which was odd since neither of them liked doing that, they found it useless since they were just gonna mess it up again anyways.

yugyeom hums, walking back downstairs. maybe mark had gone out with his friends, or went over to his best friend, youngjae's house. he was gonna leave it alone, until he saw the basement door was open.

he made a funny face, and then went over, the light down there was on. he quickly walked down the stairs, quite curious about what was going on down here, but he gasped at the sight of his boyfriend standing there, a gun pressed against his head.

yugyeom looked horrified, mark had tears streaming down his face as he looked at his boyfriend, who tried to move closer to him. mark only backed up away from him, he didnt want him to be so close when he died.

"mark, please put the gun down. please." yugyeom's voice was shaky, he was obviously terrified. he loved mark and he didn't know what to do to help him at this moment.

"i cant gyeom, i just cant do this anymore." mark sounds even more scared than yugyeom somehow, mark puts his finger on the trigger which obviously makes his boyfriend panic quite a bit.

"mark i'm begging you, please don't do this, please, i can't do this without you, i need you mark please, please dont do this." yugyeom/s voice is desperate, tears are sliding down his face as he frantically tries to get mark to put the gun down.

"im sorry yugs, i love you."

a loud bang rings through the house, followed by a blood curdling scream that would send chills out down anyone's spine. all thats heard is yugyeom screaming no, falling to his knees in front of his boyfriends lifeless body.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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