Chapter - 12: Embarrassment

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He came close to her face to kiss her on the lips but..........

"Sparsh!!!" They hear a voice from outside, the door of the room is wide open.

Both get startled by the voice.......

Both turned their heads to side of the voice and were shocked to see Sparsh's father standing there!!!!!!

Immediately Rishika and Sparsh stood straight a bit away from each other.

"What is going on here?" He asks them angrily!!!

"Pa.. actually...." he tries to say something but to his disappointment nothing came out of his mouth.

"Shut up!!! I don't want anyone messing up with my daughter(Rishu).

"Excuse me!! Your daughter is my wife!!! And I'm not messing with her!" He tells him(angrily).

"You are not Excused, Son!! And she is your soon-to-be wife. She is not your wife yet!!" He tells him calmly.

Rishika is completely red because of embarrassment. She couldn't believe her fate. Her father in law saw them both when they were about to kiss. This is the worst day ever except the kiss on her cheek. She blushes thinking about that.

Sparsh runs his hand in his hair to clam down his angry.

"And you are not meeting her till your marriage!!" He tells him with finality.

"What the f**k?!" He shouts.

"Sparsh, language!!" Reyansh shouts.

"Okay fine!! But Pa still for marriage there is a year!! I don't want to stay away from her anymore." He tells him sadly.

"It's been 8 years, Pa. I can't stay away from her anymore." He tells trying to convince him.

He sighs and doesn't say anything.

"Let me think and discuss with others." He says.

He nods his head.

"Till then you will stay away from her." He says to him.

"No, please!! I will stay in my limits, Pa!!" He tries to convince him.

After a lot of persistence and begging he agrees with a promise.

"And pa don't tell this to Uncle. He won't allow me to meet her anymore, please!!!" He pleads.

He is just like a 5 year old kid who is crying when he didn't get a lollipop.

He sighs and agrees with him.

"Now, leave from here! Before anyone sees you!! Then I'm not responsible for it!" Reyansh tells his son.

He nods and leaves from there.


After next morning in college.......

He drops her at her class and leaves to his work.

Expect for her friends and that bimbo no one knows that they are engaged.

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