Chapter 2

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"Another day in hell here I come" I say as I step out into the Autumn air and head towards the prison I call school. On my way I text Jane and see if she's gonna meet me by the cafeteria doors.

Gaylove: Hey are we meeting up at our usual spot or are we just meeting inside?

FoodJunkie: Can't, my brother got me sick and plus I still have homework to finish doing anyway so it's convenient

Gaylove: Great now I gotta deal with Mark and his crew by myself, but if your sick get some rest and drink and eat

FoodJunkie: Oh you know I'll eat even if I feel like throwing up everything I consume lol but love ya and I'll call you later cause I'm gonna sleep now

Gaylove: Ok sweet dreams dork

I ended our conversation and put my phone in my hoodie pocket and turned to take the shortcut, now to get through the shortcut I have to go through an alleyway.
And halfway through that alleyway I noticed a slightly taller figure standing and smoking a cigarette, I tried hurrying past him but stopped because something intrigued me about him and plus he looks pretty beat up too.

"Um are you ok? You look hurt" I ask him and feel my cheeks heat up when he looks at me, "Just a little brawl nothing serious" he said in his deep but smooth voice causing my blush to deepen. "O-oh ok then" I said starting to walk off only to hear him call out to me, "I never got your name cutie" he said with a sly smirk and I realized he saw my blush. "My name is Nyxion but you can just call me Nyx" I said biting my lip which became a nervous habit thanks to bullying and my devil step-dad. He walked closer and leant down close to my ear causing me to shiver at his closeness, "My name is Kian, but you can call me yours if you want cutie" he said pulling away with a big smirk on his handsome face and my only response was to nod.

'What the hell just happened?!' I think as I entered the school and get lost in my thoughts while walking to my locker only to meet the floor, "Better watch where your going faggot or next time it'll be worse" Mark practically spat in my face but I didn't flinch because I'm used to this at home so it doesn't bother me buuut the bruises and scratches do. "Listen Mark, if all your gonna do is trip me and push me then your really not giving it your all but eh who cares your just another asshole who ruins my life" I said getting up and looking him in the face watching his face change from smug to what I think is curiosity and concern? I walk away and head to my classes not wanting to deal with him anymore.

I only have one class left and that's the dreaded thing called gym, I hate the coach, the students, the activities basically the whole class I hate.
"Alright class we're gonna be running so put on your gym clothes and meet me out here for warmups!" The coaches voice boomed but was cut off by the doors opening revealing Kian.
"Sorry I'm late coach but I got held up in Mrs. Sanchez's class" he said while also glancing at me, "That's ok Kian but get changed we're gonna be running today" he told and received a nod from Kian.

I couldn't help but stare at his muscles and how they moved when he stretched but he probably caught me staring cause he got a smirk on his face, he did a stretch that caused his shirt to ride up and I saw his abs and v-line and that caused me to blush and get back to stretching as well to avoid confrontation.

~~~Timeskip again because I'm lazy~~~~

After running and feeling like my lungs were gonna collapse we all finally headed to the lockers to get dressed or shower or whatever hormonal teenagers do. I quickly went to my locker and was just about to open it when a hand slammed it shut, "Mark can you remove your stupid excuse for a hand off of my locker or do you enjoy having your sausage links on something hard?" I said while giving him a blank face. He lifts it off of the locker door only for it to make it's way to my cheek, which causes my head to snap right while the sound of a harsh slap echoes throughout the locker room. "Watch your mouth faggot! Or do I need to knock some sense into you?!" He spits in my face clearly pissed off at my previous comment, I rub my jaw and cheek then look at him with the same blank face I had on earlier. "Who knew a guy who plays on the football team could have such a pussy ass slap?" I smirk then duck under another anger filled slap that missed me and went into my locker, laughing as I hear him scream in both anger and pain I leave the locker room and head towards my next class.
I know this might be short but I feel like I haven't posted anything about this story in forever! So here ya go and also I'll be making more chapters for this book and my others soon.
Love ya guys!❤

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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