Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

~Jenny's POV~

Well before I start I would like to say thank you,if you read my other 2 fan fictions what where Jai Brooks ones,I'll put the link to them at the bottom,well I have about 14 chapters of this fan fiction and I am still writing it,so I am going to put the fist 2 chapters up,and see how many reads/votes they get fist before putting more up. So Enjoy :)


I am in my room,I am 18 years old and I am going to be 19 this year and I still live at home.

But my mum and dad are never really there.

I just finished watching a move.

What me and my best friend,Ronny was going to watch.

But she phoned up and the last moment to say she can't.

Then I phoned Dan,my boyfriend he said he can't,then I phoned my best best friend Michael he said that he would,but he can't band practice.

He is in a band.

I turned the TV what is in my room off.

The room is almost pitch black.

I look at my phone,what blinds me in the effort on knowing the time.

It's just went 10.

I turned the light on and lie on my bed,wondering on what to do.

Then my phone went off.

It's Dan.

come out.”he text.

“He is outside?”I said to myself.

So I go down stairs and out the front door,to see Dan and Ronny.

“Hey guys.”I said a bit confused.

“There is something,I want to tell you.” said Dan.

“Okay”I said.

Then he leans in and kisses Ronny.


I stand there confuse and hurt.

“The thing is I been cheating on you with,Ronny for the last 2 mouths.”He said slowly,to add affected? Or because he thinks I stupid?

Then I felt tears in my eyes.

“And he loves me more. So he is dumping you for me,and now you lost your boyfriend and best friend.”she smiled.

And they turned and walked away.

I go inside slamming the door closes.

I run in to my room and on to my bed and I cry in to my pillow,wondering of what gone wrong and what I could of changed.

I feel upset,mad,lonely and stupid.

I want to do something stupid and dumb,but I pushed it aside to get my phone.

I need Michael.

I try texting him but my hands are shaking,so I phone him and put it on loud speaker.

The phone rings.

~Michael's POV~

My phone rang.

I look at the phone,it's Jenny.

“Sorry guys.”I said getting up and going in to the hall way.

We haven’t long finished.

“Hello.”I say.

I can hear sobbing.

“Michael.”I hear Jenny's voice it's shaky.

Is she crying?

“Jen.”I said.

“Yeah.”she said.

Yeah is she is crying.

“I am coming over.”I said and I hang up.

I open the living room door all of them backed away from the door.

They where listing in.

they met Jenny and they know about my not so little crush.

I am not just saying this because of my crush on her,but I don't like Dan at all.

I know it's totally random but he treats her so bad.

Not like hits her and stuff but...I know what I am on about.

“I need to go,Jenny's crying.”I said.

“Okay.”said Ashton.

“Say hi from us.”said Calum.

“Will do.”I smiled.

I walked out of the living room,got my jacket and got in to my car.

I forgot to lock it again.

 And I drive to Jenny's the fast as I could.

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