Chapter 1 The Concert

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some people say life is a roller coaster full of fun and sadness,for me it's been more like hell and suffering so trust me when i tell you this,life...can be a bitch,during my life i was happy i was free,until one day it all went to shit,which is why i enlisted into an art college to stay away from my past so i can forget everything,and my mother wanted me to nurture my talent of singing and art which i inherited from her,my dad died when i was 15 he died in Afghanistan,but that wasn't the reason it all went to hell,and that is for another time now let's get into the story

i'm sitting in my desk in class being bored out of my mind the teacher is teaching things i already know,i remembered that yesterday i entered a raffle the college arranged for some mystery prize,i wonder what it is maybe tickets to a band i like or a trip,it doesn't matter as long as it's fun,shortly after thinking that the PA speakers turned on to hear the voice of the dean

Dean: attention students, as you know the college held a raffle,for the students here that entered into it for the 'mystery prize' today i will announce who the lucky winner is and what he or she has won

*insert cheesy drumroll on speakers*

Dean: and the student is (Y/N) (L/N) congratulations young man!"he said with a happy and enthusiastic tone while clapping through the speakers

Dean: and your prize Mr (L/N) is..."

*another cheesy dromroll*

Dean: a VIP pass and a ticket to KDA's next concert at the plaza tomorrow night,and for being one of the only college to be offered this raffle in the city,you've also been offered a day with the band,and tomorrow you also have the day off to prepare,again congratulations (Y/N) (L/N) i will see you after class to give you your prize

the speaker then turned off and the whole class looked at me with mixed responses,My teacher and a few other students with happy expressions,others with pissed expressions, honestly i could care less,leaned back in my chair and pondered

"KDA isn't that the popular pop group that started producing music a year ago, i mean that's ok but i wish it was one of the band i actually like,i guess it would be rude to decline a chance to listen to some new types of music"

timeskip after classes

Dean: sorry to repeat my self one last time but congratulation again Mr (L/N) you are probably one of the luckiest people going to this concert

me: thanks,i simply said while shaking his hand

Dean: i hope you enjoy the concert tonight,he said while handing my pass

me: wait tonight i thought it was tomorrow night,the Dean then realized his mistake,he had mixed up the date's and as he realized that he got a phone call

Dean:yes...yes he's on his way right now...ok,he hung up then phone in a rush and said"com'n Mr (L/N) we need to head to the parking lot so you can catch your ride to the concert"while putting his arm around my shoulder rushing me out the door

after that we shortly arrive at the parking lot,to my surprise i saw a black limo with silver lining across the door and entire car

me: holy shit

????: hello there sir i'm one of the bodyguards of the band and i've been assigned to escort you to the concert,please get in sir we haven't got much time before the concert begins,after saying that he opened and held the door waving his hand signaling to enter

i entered the limo it had black leather seating,velvet carpet floor,speakers on the top of the inside roof,a mini bar with a TV on top of it,and tinted windows,i saw the bodyguard enter the front he rolled down the window between the driver and passenger section

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