Headbanging and Nostalgia

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Dan turned over for about the hundredth time this night; why couldn't he sleep? Dan sighed, knowing that he probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. Dan felt around in the dark for his phone, deciding to play around with it. He signed when he saw the time. He went to bed at ten, why couldn't he just sleep? The brown haired boy got up without paying attention, and before he knew it, he was standing right outside Phil's door. He raised his hand to knock, but then quickly retracted it, not wanting to wake Phil.

He did this frequently, so it wasn't like Phil wasn't accustomed to it, but he always felt bad about keeping Phil up, even though Phil always said that he didn't mind. Dan was about to turn around and go back to his room when the door opened suddenly, causing him and Phil to bang heads.

"Shit!" Dan mumbled holding his forehead. Phil took one look at Dan before pulling the boy into his arms.

"I'm sorry sweetie! Let me see where it hurts" Phil said, as if Dan was a small child. Dan moved his hand for a moment, too tired to care that his boyfriend was speaking to him as if he were four.

"Let's get some ice then go to bed, yeah?" Phil kissed Dan's forehead. Dan nodded and they began to walk to the kitchen.


Phil had gotten Dan ice as promised, and the couple were now sitting in Phil's bed watching Netflix. The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh to be specific. It was cute, and bedtime-y and full of nostalgia, so of course they had to watch it. Phil wrapped his arm around his sleepy boyfriend as soon as the movie began, and Dan rested his head on Phil's chest. Phil couldn't help but smile at how cute his boyfriend was being.

It was only about ten minutes in that Dan fell asleep again. Phil kissed the top of his head, and began to fall asleep alongside his beautiful boyfriend, only to be woken up at 8 am sharp.

A/N: Inspired by the image

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