The Start Of Something Beautiful

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Deku POV

It had been a week after I almost kissed Uraraka and I was getting more nervous around her with each day. She definitely knew why I was trying to avoid her so she was trying to be around me more to test her theory. I was sitting at the table trying to enjoy my diner but with Mineta and Kaminari scheming about spying on the girls I lost my appetite. I started to head upstairs when I saw Uraraka sitting on the couch by her self. I tried to speed past without being seen but she looked up at me and said "Oh Hey Deku can I talk to you real quick?" she ran over to me and pretty much pinned me to the wall to stop me from trying to run from the situation. She surveyed the room to see if any one was with in ear shot of her she turned to me with a small angry frown and said "Why are you avoiding me?" "I uh, well ya see, I...." I say as I try to come up with a good excuse. She narrows her eyes and puts her hand up and says "Don't try to lie just say it ." I look at her and see that she is trying to guilt me into saying what she wants to hear and its working. So I think of how Kacchan always says what is on his mind all the time and just mumble "fine, I've been avoiding you because I like you and you tryed to kiss me and I blew you off and ran."  She looks at me and backs away and smiles and says "That's what I thought." She grabs me from the collar of my shirt and pulls me in and kisses me. Her lips were as soft as a cloud and her hair felt like it was mad out of cotton. After a minute she pulls away and says with a friendly smile and says "now was that so bad." I smile and I hear a click then a flash and I could see Mina standing with her phone taking a picture. My face becomes as red as a drop of blood Uraraka looks at Mina and raises a eyebrow and turns back to me and says "Its alright its just Mina." I hear a beep and look at my watch and see I need to leave to go see Eri. Uraraka looks down at my watch and says "Hey can I come with you to see her." Still paralyzed by the kiss I stand there saying nothing but I come out of my trance and say "Uh sure. But you should change into your hero suit, it's what she's what she's used to." So we walked upstairs and changed and after everyone was asleep we headed out to see Eri.

Uraraka POV

We meet in front of the dorm and Deku said "Well I didn't think of how we are going to get there in time with two of us because we cant use a bus or something or we will get caught." I started to think of the fastest way there and I had an idea so I said "I got something Deku can you crouch real quick?" "Uh sure Uraraka but why." As he finished his sentence I jumped on his back and he stood up and said "Ohhhhh" and we ran off to the hospital. We ran around the side and I looked at Deku confused and said "Uh Deku you went past the front." "Yeah I know I have my own entrance." He said with a smirk on his face he grabbed a small pebble and threw it at a window on the forth floor and I expected to see a little girl to pop her head out the window and I think Deku was expecting the same thing because he was as stunned as I was to see a big muscular man to look out the window. IT WAS ALL MIGHT looking down on us with a huge smile on his face he looked at us and said "AH YOUNG MIDORIYA WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR YOU. OH AND YOU BROUGHT MISS URARAKA" I turned my head in confusion. "We?" asked Deku "YES MYSELF AND PRINCIPAL NEZU HAVE BEEN WAITING COME ON IN." Deku jumped up to the window and I touched my feet to hover up in to the room. I saw All Might sitting in a small chair and Eri sitting on the bed trying to play with Nezu saying "Come puppy,Come!" I could see the annoyance coming off of Nezu's face. He looked at Deku and said "Ah, Finally Midoriya your here can you tell her to leave me alone." I could see a small chuckle from Deku as he walked to Eri saying alright Eri time to relax." As he patted her head. Nezu stood up brushed off his little suit and asked Deku to follow him to the hall and for me to stay in the room with All Might and Eri. As Deku walked out the door he said to All Might "To get her to fall asleep she needs a story. She loves ones about your time in America."

Deku POV 

I walked into the hall with Nezu and right away he started talking "Now Midoriya ,you know I don't appreciate you sneaking out and bringing some else into your antics but this is a special case. As you know Eri's recovery time is almost over." I nod to show that i'm listening "And with you coming to see her all the time she has grown fond of you there are reports of villains trying to find her, U.A has decided to put you as her care giver seeing as putting her in foster homes would do more pain then recovery so she will stay with you in your dorms and I will give you some money each month seeing as you are not employed yet. This is a blessing DON'T MESS IT UP!" When he finishes talking he bows and walks away. I couldn't believe that I was going to have to take care of Eri I felt like I couldn't give her the right type of life she deserves for all the pain and suffering she went through but like Nezu said This was a blessing so I was going to give it my all. I walked back into the room to see Eri and Uraraka asleep and All Might in his Non-Muscle form. I tapped Uraraka and she got up with a drowsy look in her eyes she said "Oh Hi Deku what did Principal Nezu say?" "He said i'm now Eri's care taker!" She looked at me like she was more surprised than I was. "Wait so now your like her Dad." "Well I guess so,Yeah.And if you are willing would you be like a Mom." I say with a blush on my face and my hand on my arm. She looks at me determined and says "I'll do my best." I put on the same determined look and nudge Eri saying "It's time to go."  

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