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Out in the darken forest of Mystic Falls, a loud radio plays in the background of a loving couple who is camping out in the forest. The fog descends around them without no knowledge of it, a sound like thunder is heard and the woman stops them from moving on to the next base with the man. "Hey. Did you hear that?" She asked pushing herself away from him, "Hear what?" The man eager to go back to kissing her, "I heard thunder." She tells him, "There's no thunder." He responds after pretending to listen kissing her, "Are you sure?" She asks between kisses, "Because if it rains, then we won't be able to see the comet." The man argues with her tired of her speeches, "It's not gonna rain. Listen I... got you a little something. It's back in the car. Don't you move."

The man moves to the outside of the tent walking back to his car when something or someone appeared before him attacking him without letting him make a single sound. He places the man in the tree right above the tent. "I knew it! I told you it was going to rain!" The woman smiles triumphantly getting out of the tent, she looks up and found her boyfriend in the tree bleeding on the tent. She's filled with fear and tries to run to the car, but it is lock and soon the car beeps and the doors unlock. The woman looks around nervously and soon a man with dark hair and glowing blue eyes drops down and kills her instantly.

Emilia Gilbert wakes up with a gasp. The blue eyes that glowed in the dark, the bloodshed. Her hands shivered from the cold-blooded feeling she got from her horrible dream. Her heart racing pounding against her ribs hard. A voice groans beside her as the alarm goes off, Caroline still sleeping with probably a major headache from drinking too much.

"Come on, Care. Get up, it's time for school. Today's Friday, C'mon." Emilia said dragging Caroline off of her bed otherwise she'd never get up. She missed enough school as it is, and school just started.

Last night after leaving her house she spent some time with Tyler. They stopped by the Grill because he needed to get more coffee and new bagels seeing as Caroline ate them on the way to her house. The time they spent together felt nice, it felt normal to her, what she would be doing if her parents hadn't died. She embraced it not wanting it to end yet, she's learned quite a few things about him. He wasn't the asshole he displayed. He was like Caroline, only putting up a façade because he didn't want to seem weak to other or to his dad. He wanted to prove to his dad that he was worth it that he was a strong and powerful man like his father. But truly, he was just a guy who loved art and having fun. Jeremy and him would have totally been friends if they weren't constantly fighting over Vicki.

"Hurry up Care! Tyler's taking us to school!" She yelled standing at the bottom of the staircase ready to go. When Caroline asked why Tyler was taking them, Emilia could only shrug her shoulders. He offered and she didn't decline, he was a better person than everyone thought. Growing up with him, she always knew that the little boy who would always bring her flowers was still down there and he was starting to show himself again even if it was only for her.

"He offered, I accepted." She ignored the look in Caroline's eyes as she walked down the steps with sass. Emilia rolled her eyes and pushed her knowing the glint lingering in her eyes. Whatever was between Tyler and Emilia was nothing, they were just friends nothing more. She wasn't looking and she was sure Tyler has a thing for Vicki even if he is an ass showing it. Even if he did have a thing for her, she'd never go for it. Vicki has a big thing for him, and she wasn't going to create drama or fight over a boy with her. There was too much going on for her to have some pointless drama that she might not even last with.

"Come on, you've kept him waiting long enough." Emilia dragged Caroline out of the house before she could change her mind about her outfit or hairstyle. They were out the door and ready to face the world together again. Even if the world was a shitty place right now.

Dear No One, *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now