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Dear No One,

I died. I know I did. I felt it happened, I felt the pain, the blood and my life leaving my body. It happened, I'm sure it did. So, how can I still be alive?


She moved quicker than she's ever ran before. Elena running just as fast behind her. Emilie grabbed a wooden plank by the door and moved closer to the lined-up buses running towards the sound.

"Vicki, no!" Emilie shouts seeing the blood on Vicki's lips and the wound on Jeremy's neck. Emilie slams the wood plank over Vicki, but it does no.

Emilie is seen flying through the air as Vicki knocks her backward. She slams into a pile of trash.

'Use me.' The voice whispered through the air.

The same voice she's been hearing since she woke up this morning. It's like another voice in her head telling her what to do and her body obeys. Her hand reaches for a sharper wood point with her injured hand, her blood moves up the wood and consumes it like vines. Her body moves without her knowledge and control, it's like she's being compelled but she loves the feeling. Instead of feeling like she couldn't do anything when Damon compelled her, she felt powerful instead.

"Go! Go! Go!" Emilie gestures for Elena to take Jeremy and get out of there as Vicki disappears from their view. Emilie holds the wood plank in her hand steadily listening for Vicki. She moved slowly as to not make as much noise, but she was sure that Vicki was fully aware of their surroundings and where Emilie stood. Emilie turned to find Stefan had push Vicki against the front of a school bus before Vicki could reach Emilie. Emilie felt thankful for Stefan, she was able to move more freely and make sure that Elena and Jeremy made it out safely before Vicki could do more damage but then she disappeared again.

"Stefan..." Emilie whispered suddenly scared. Stefan gestured for her to be quiet and move quickly to the back door. He wanted to get them out of there before he had to deal with Vicki alone.

Elena's screams catches their attention and both of them wide eyed runs over to see that Vicki had Elena in her grip chomping down on Elena's neck messily.

"Get away from my sister, Vicki!" Emilie yells letting the anger she felt run through her veins. Before she knew what had happened, Emilie had already stabbed Vicki with the blooded plank she held in her hands. Not even realizing her actions, Emilie pulled Vicki off of Elena and gently touches the open wound before pulling Elena into a hug. Both sisters held each other wanting to cry but holding themselves back from breaking down. Without her knowing, Emilie's blood had moved itself into Elena's body, starting the healing process already but slowly as to not show any suspicion.

"Can you get them both home? I'll clean this up somehow." Emilie asks Stefan for the first time since they've met. She knew that Elena wouldn't be able to deal with this kind of situation even as the older sibling of them all. "Go." Emilie said before Elena could protest.

Emilie watches as Stefan left with Elena but not before Elena gave Emilie her car keys. The wound on her hand was already healed as Emilie kneeled down beside the dead body. The blood seen on the wood plank was slowly evaporating as if to not leave any traces of evidence. Emilie looked around for something sharp, something to cut herself with. She wanted to see, wanted to prove. Something was happening but she just didn't know what and apparently it had to do with her blood. She didn't forget the way her blood moved as if it had its own life force.

A long slice on her palm enough to draw more blood than needed and almost automatically, her blood moved as a needle like stitches and her skins was patched together without a scar. It was like there was no wound to begin with. She didn't hear Damon arrive and watch as she did what she did but when he made his presence know she almost didn't want him there. Emilie had no idea what she was going to do, how she was going to get rid of a dead body without anyone finding out. Damon probably has done it more than once to know what to do.

Dear No One, *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now