Secret Love Song

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A piercing scream ripped through Stark Towers, waking Steve Rogers from his sleep.

"Captain, it appears as if Sir is in distress," a British sounding, slightly robotic, feminine voice emitted from the ceiling.

"I got it, Friday." The Captain mumbled in response.

As tired as he was and as much as he'd rather stay in the warm comfort of the blanket he had wrapped around his super soldier body only moments before, he knew it just wasn't an option. He grabbed his shield and made for the direction of the screaming, he was used to this by now.

Pretty much everybody knew Tony had post traumatic stress disorder by now, the team all did in some form or another after the whole ordeal with Thanos, but it seemed Tony had been effected the most with nightmares every night and panic attacks out of nowhere. He had also become a lot clingier with certain members of the team, the Captain being one of them.

Steve twisted the knob on Tony's bedroom door and opened it, swiftly moving over to where the brown-haired man was thrashing about in his sleep, beads of sweat on his forehead, chest heaving.

"Hey, hey, wake up. Tony, wake up, it's fine, we're ok, it's ok," The voice of America's golden boy spoke softly.

It was New York all over again, Loki, the wormhole, the Chitari army, falling, nearly dying.

Steve continued to call out Tony's name, treading with caution and making sure to keep his shield close to him, ready to defend himself if need be. The last time he had tried waking the traumatized genius from a nightmare, one of the suits had gone after him from accidentally being summoned.

Tony awoke with a start and a sharp cry, rubbing his eyes so he could see better in the dark and to wipe away the tears.

The muscular super soldier sat down at the side of the genius's bed, making himself easily noticeable in the dark, so Tony wouldn't start panicking. He had noticed it helped before and began to speak soothingly, "Breathe, it's alright, it's all over, Stark, everybody's fine.. Let's get you some water, ok?"

Steve knew how the smaller man felt, he had suffered with nightmares himself when Bucky had fallen from the train long ago, before the Winter Soldier came into existence.

Tony let out a small whimper, "Thanks, Steve.." as the soldier handed him a glass of water from the bedside table next to the two of them, those famous baby-blue eyes glancing back at his own hazelnut-colored ones.

He downed the liquid slowly, with his teammate's help with holding the glass as he was still shaking pretty severely and didn't want to step in shards of the glass on the floor later that morning.

"You good?" Steve's voice still had the reassuring tone to it that it had earlier.

Seeing a nod of approval, he slowly got up and made for the door, hoping that the remainder of the night would be smooth sailing.

"Hey, uh, Cap?" Tony's voice sounded anxious and he was very grateful the blond man couldn't see the blush that was flooding his tanned face.


The genius usually wasn't one to beg but Steve could hear it in his voice, "Could you stay with me?"

"Alright," he responded as he made his way back towards him and slid under the blanket, closing his light-colored eyes momentarily, breathing deep.

It wasn't awkward for either of the men surprisingly; Pepper hadn't been able to handle the nightmares Tony suffered from and the panic attacks out in public so she had walked out on him a few weeks back. The split had caused a very odd change in the man's behavior, he had started developing feelings for the Captain - little did he know, the feelings were being reciprocated.

The smaller man rolled over to face him, tucking his head in his chest and wrapping his arms around him, trying to get physically closer to him as if it were even possible at that point. He loved how Steve smelled, soft but masculine with the very subtle scent of cologne.

"G'Night, Capsicle."

The soldier felt Stark's muscles relax beneath him as he wrapped his arms around his waist in return and soon heard him drift off to sleep.

"Sleep tight, tin man."

Secret Love Song (Steve Rogers x Tony Stark)Where stories live. Discover now