26 | horse back riding

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"rise and shine guys!" a male voice calls out.

i squint my eyes at the voice, jaemin.

"it's too early for this jaemin." i smush my face back into my pillow.

"also i thought the guys had to stay downstairs and not come upstairs."

he yanks the blankets off of me as i squirm from the cold.

"yeah but the teachers came up earlier to wake you guys up but you guys didn't soo i took matters in my own hands plus we need to get to the cafeteria early so we can have first in line for the food."

my eyes spark open at that.

"your'e right, i'll be down with bada in a bit."

he starts to walk out the door,

"don't take too long, you know how chenle is when he has to wait."

he waves his hand and closes the door behind him.

the morning was a slow start, although i was momentarily awake, i completely felt drowsy again and fell back asleep.

it wasn't until bada woke me up again that i knew where the heck i was.

"get up, we need to go down, the guys already left without us to save us seats and stuff."

the time was now 8:53am.

breakfast began at 9am.

how am i always late for everything?

i quickly brush my teeth and put some decent clothes on.

"let's roll."

we both head towards the cafeteria.

we open the doors and we hear what we expected, a bunch of teenagers laughing and talking way too loud and teachers trying to make them be quiet.

"over here!"

we both turn our head and see them all sitting at a table.

we quickly walk over and grab a seat.

"i see you guys got our food as well." i pick up my fork and start to chow down.

"figured since we didn't know when you guys would leave your room." mark replied.

"and also we're just nice like that. Without us, you may not have even had this much because everyone would have already taken it." he continued.

"thank you so much! how could i ever repay you?" i clasp my hands together and bat my eyelashes quickly.

"by actually waking up on time next time." jeno snickers at me.

i throw a piece of my food at him but some how he manages to catch it with his mouth.


"alright students," one of the teachers stood at the front of the group.

we were now outside the cafeteria, waiting for our next instructions.

"for this next activity, you can either choose between horse back riding or rock climbing, line up with the teacher who's activity you want to do."

out groups splits up.

renjun and i walk slightly ahead of the others.

"hey, do you think we can share a horse?" he gently takes my hand.

"hmm i'm not sure you'll have to ask the instructor that" i let go of his hand and run forward.

he laughs and runs up with me.

we make it to the place where the horse trainer was waiting there for us.

"alright kids, here are the rules, do not let go of the harness, and make sure to not take off your helmet and other safety equipment. There will be a trainer guiding the horse around the track so you don't have to worry too much about controlling the horse. got it?"

we all nod our heads and begin putting on the gear.

renjun walks up to one of the trainers and asks, "is it alright if we can share a horse?"

"yep! do you want to share with someone?" she responds leading one of the horses out of the stable.

"yeah, her." he points to me where i awkwardly wave.

"ahh, young love." she smiles and gestures for me to walk over.

"alright kids, climb onto your horses!"

one by one everyone starts to haul themselves on to the horses.

renjun climbs up after i'm on, his hands holding onto the reins tightly.

my back is pressed against his chest and we start to move.

the ride is nice, i can feel each bounce as the horse takes each step.

"byeol?" renjun's voice snaps me out of my trance.

"yeah, what's wrong?"

his arms tighten around my waist.

"are you gonna be busy after the camp? i want to take you somewhere."

my cheeks start to feel warm at the thought of going somewhere with just me and him alone.

"y-yeah i should be free, it's not like i usually have anything planned anyways."


Hi! How have you guys been? I'm sorry I havent updated this in so many months

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Hi! How have you guys been? I'm sorry I havent updated this in so many months. :( this story is at its end point and I've lost motivation for writing, but I'm try my best to bring that spark back!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2019 ⏰

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