chapter 2

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"it's gonna take a little time. but with you by my side..."


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Everly went through the rest of her day at school without much incident. Everyone ignored her existence and she ignored them back. There wasn't really any homework except getting papers signed since it had been the first day of school. Thank god for that because she probably wouldn't have done it anyway. She forged her dad's signature and called it good.

No one was home since Ty had apparently made a new friend in 3rd grade and had gone over to their house, how he made friends so quickly? She would never know. She wished she had that talent. Her dad was at work and wouldn't be home until late that night, that was a regular occurrence, meaning, Everly rarely ever saw her father.

Which meant she was alone. Fantastic.

She found herself thinking about Rue, she felt guilty about what she'd said to her but she didn't really know what to do to make up for it. She needed some sort of peace offering to ask Rue to at least hear her out. She wasn't going to give her drugs, or money that could buy drugs because, obviously, she wanted her to stay clean. Also, she had almost no money anyway. Rue hated reading, so books were out of the picture. Not clothes, Rue wore pretty much the same clothes every week and when Everly had asked her about it she'd ignored her.

Food it was. No one could stay mad at someone with food, right?

She walked into a corner store glancing at the flickering lights above her. The whole suberb seemed to always flicker, reminding everyone just how poor they were. It was as if the community couldn't support itself, much less the people living inside it.

She knew this store was also where most people at her school bought drugs, but it was the closest corner store to her house and she didn't have the energy to walk anywhere further.

"Yo, whatchu lookin' for?" she recognized the voice as Fezco, the one she had bought her one time experience with drugs from back at the beginning of the summer. She cringed at the memory. She definitely didn't know anything about drugs when she'd come to him, not that she knew anything more now.

"Not drugs," she said, she didn't want to end up back in rehab or even dead, and she still didn't see the apeal of drugs, or alcohol for that matter.

"If it ain't drugs you want, what the hell you here for?" Fez leaned back against the counter he was standing in front of and scanned her up and down as she walked up to him, "Shit, ain't you the one that was in rehab with Rue?" She blinked in surprise, how did he know about that? As far as she could remember no one had known about her being in rehab, only about her OD.


He cut her off shaking his head, "Doesn't matter, but c'mon man, I ain't selling you nothing, OD's ain't good for business." He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked around to the back of the counter.

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