chapter 3

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"it might be cool with you, but i'm not dead yet."


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Everly's hand hovered in front of Rue's front door, ready to knock. She had suddenly felt a wave of uncertainty hit her as soon as she'd walked up. What if Rue didn't even want to see her? Should Everly force her to listen? Would that make things worse?

It was like a freaking movie, the door swung open right as she was about to knock and someone stormed right into her. Luckily she caught herself before she fell onto the ground, that would have been embarrassing. A slightly younger looking verson of Rue stood before her clearly disoriented, so this was Gia. Rue had talked about her a lot in rehab, she had been the one to find Rue when she had overdosed. Rue's sister stared at Everly in surprise, clearly confused as to why she had been standing outside of their doorway. Everly just stood there silently, her jaw slightly open looking like a whole-ass idiot.

"Uhh hi?" Gia said finally, rubbing her shoulder where she had collided with Everly, she scanned her up and down "look we aren't going to buy anything you're selling if that's what you're here for," she gestured tiredly to her bag Everly was holding tightly in her fist.

"Actually I'm here to see Rue?" it came out as a question and Everly cleared her throat awkwardly, "this is for her," she lifted up the bag with the candy in it slightly.

"Okay..." Gia said, clearly she was still confused since she had probably no idea who Everly was, then she added, "My mom's probably going to go through that before you can give it to Rue, just so you know," she sighed and Everly could tell that Gia had probably just been fighting with her mother which is most likely why she'd stormed out, "and just please don't sneak her drugs..." she stared at Everly for a long second, her eyes were almost pleading, and then walked past her, Everly wondered where she was going.

"Thanks," she called after the young girl, there was no response and she wasn't sure that Gia had heard her. She bit her lip before turning back to the now open doorway.

She knocked lightly on the door as she entered, "hello?" she called out nervously, she glanced around at the small home taking it all in, there were footsteps and a woman came into view, her hair was pulled into a bun and her arms were crossed, she looked even more tired than Gia had.

"Is there a reason you're inside my house without my permission?" the woman asked and Everly stuttered trying to think of an answer.

"She's my friend mom, Jesus, have a little hospitality," Rue's voice came from the hall and she walked towards Everly, throwing her mother an annoyed look, the entire family must have been fighting before Everly got there, she wondered what it had been about.

Everly could never even imagine talking to her parents that way, she would get in so much trouble, hell, her dad would probably kick her out of the house.

"Rue I wasn't kidding about that drug test," her mother warned Rue who just huffed before turning her attention to Everly, "Hi, I'm Leslie, I don't believe we've met?"

Everly cleared her throat, "Hi, I'm Everly, I'm Rue's friend," she attempted a smile but she doubted it looked good.

"Do you mind showing me what's in the bag?" Leslie asked gesturing to the grocery bag, she looked worried and glanced back at Rue for a second.

"Mom, don't be such a-" Rue started but Everly cut her off, she really didn't want to have a fight break out with her standing there in the middle.

"It's fine," she sent Rue a look and opened the bag for Leslie to see, "it's just some candy." Leslie nodded smiling gratefully and Rue scoffed pulling Everly by her arm down the hall to what she assumed was her room. She realized this was the first time she had ever even been to Rue's house, much less inside her room. She felt like she knew her so well but she hadn't even seen where the girl lived.

"Want to explain what the hell you're doing here?" Rue had let go of her arm and sat down on the bed crossing her arms.

"I uh, brought a peace offering," she held out the bag to Rue and bit her lip nervously.

"Is this to say sorry for being a bitch at lunch?" Rue said taking the bag from her and pulling out the candy. She opened the sour patch kids and popped one into her mouth, her nose scrunching up slightly at the sour taste, Everly found it adorable.

She shook the thought off, "Uh yeah, look, I'm really sorry I've just been not doing the best lately? I don't know, and I'm really not good at meeting new people, so when you came up with Jules..." she glanced at Rue and bit her lip even harder.

"You know I'll always forgive you Ev," Rue said suddenly pulling her onto the bed next to her, "we're rehab sisters, nothing can break us," she offered her hand for Everly to fist pump, which she did with a smile. "And don't worry about Jules, she's literally the best ever and would absolutely love you," Everly tried to hold onto her smile but couldn't help as it slipped a bit. Why couldn't she just give Jules a chance?

She cleared her throat, "Thank god, I thought you were gonna like, hate me forever," Everly sighed out the breath she didn't even realize she'd been holding, she was so relieved Rue had forgiven her so easily, she really didn't know what she would do without her.

"On second thought, there is one thing you could do that would seriously make me love you even more." Rue raised her eyebrows with a small smile and Everly gave her a confused look, what could she possibly be talking about?

"Sure, what is it?" Everly said because of course, she would literally do anything the girl asked her to do which probably wasn't the best quality, but Everly was unwaveringly loyal, a trait she'd gained from feeling so alone sometimes. She'd never want anyone to feel the same way she did.

Rue suddenly stood up crossing over to her closet and digging through a pile of clothes, "Normally I would ask Lexi but you're already here and willing so..." she pulled out a small tylenol bottle triumphantly.

Everly made a face, "what the hell am I supposed to do with that?"

Rue walked to her sitting down on the bed next to her, "Well Miss Everly Spencer, have you ever peed in a bottle?"

soo yay!! finally another chapter hehe:) i hope you enjoyed!! please vote and comment what you thought!! it keeps me going. love you all

 love you all ♡

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