day five : in the night

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To no surprise, Namjoon ditched you the moment you walked in the door, leaving you to your own devices in a house full of people you didn't really know.

You understood why. Why would he hang around you when he had five other drunk friends to act stupid with? You didn't mind really, you actually liked being alone. Left to wander with no one else to worry about.

You moved around, for the most part, staying close to the walls to avoid being the centre of attention. You didn't drink anything, nor did you have any plan to. You would much rather keep your head clear as to take care of Namjoon when he became a fumbling mess.

The party was average, for the most part, desperate college students getting shitfaced and girls throwing themselves at the nearest guy, begging for attention. It was depressing. You tried not to pay attention to the people around you, keeping to yourself.

Why did you always let him drag you along to these things?

The music was loud, booming through the entire house. You could hardly hear anything other than the beat in your ears. You maneuvered your way through the crowds of drunken people, trying not to collide with any of them.

You moved through the living room to find Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin in the middle of a drinking competition. You rolled your eyes at the sight, making your way to an empty spot on one of the couches. You sunk into the cushion, leaning against the back of the couch.

You watched the other patrons of the party. It was amazing how someone could completely change when eyes were on them. How the girl who usually stayed in the background, came to the forefront when given a shot of vodka.

You huffed at the sight. Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked away to see a familiar face. With his dirty blonde hair hidden under a beanie, a leather jacket over his shoulders. He held a half-finished cigarette between his fingers.


He caught your eyes, bringing the cigarette up to his lips and breathing in. The smoke floated up, covering his face. Eventually, disappearing into the thick air. He brought it back down to his side, tapping on the top, letting tiny ashes fall to the floor.

He stared into your eyes the entire time, not looking away for even a second. You found yourself getting lost in Yoongi. The way his stare made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, but also made you blush.

You turned away from him, at the feeling of the couch moving beside you. Your gaze landed on some random guy sitting down on the cushion beside you. He had wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leaning in close to your face. He breath stank like cheap beer as his heavy breaths hit your cheek.

You tried to stand up from the couch, stumbling back down as he pushed on your shoulders. He had you locked in place, whispering words, you could hardly understand, into your ear as his hand rubbed along your inner thigh. You pushed his face away. "Fuck off, asshole," you groaned, attempting to stand up again.

"You heard the lady, now fuck off." Your eyes shot up at the second voice, seeing Yoongi staring down at the guy. The drunk man stood up, letting go of you to be at eye-level with Yoongi. Even if Yoongi was shorter, he held a bigger presence.

The drunk man looking him up and down, smiling at the size difference. "And, who the fuck are you?" He spat.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Let's just say, I'm a concerned citizen." With that, Yoongi punched the man in the face. Hard enough for the man to fall to the floor. Leaning down on top of the man, he continued to punch him. Blood starting to cover the man's already swollen face.

The beating didn't stop until Namjoon and Jungkook were pulling Yoongi from the man. They each grabbed an arm and lifted him from the other guy. Jungkook pushed Yoongi to the other side of the room, while Namjoon helped the other guy up.

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