day fifteen : the phone

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For hours, you couldn't take your eyes away from your phone. Contemplating what to do. Should you do what your gut is telling you and call the police, or should you listen to him and keep it to yourself. You knew either answer was wrong.

By calling the police, you would be going against what he said and you really didn't want to know what would happen if he found out. But on the other hand, the cops would be able to protect you and find him before he could do anything.

Keeping it to yourself would cause more problems. Yoongi would be free to do as he pleased, continuing to torment you to his heart's desire. No one would be able to stop him from getting what he wanted. He had an open door to you.

Even as you sat on the floor of your bedroom, you still fought with yourself, trying to decide which was the right answer. His words playing through your mind like clockwork, the echo of his voice. How it had changed when you had figured it out. The way it lit up with excitement. It was sickening.

Both were bad, but you knew in your mind one was better. The last thing you wanted to do was piss Yoongi off and even if calling the cops was morality better, you couldn't bring yourself to do it. So, you didn't. Just sitting there staring at the phone as message after message lit up the screen.

For the past twenty-four hours, Yoongi had been sending you non-stop messages. Sick confessions of, what he claimed, was love. Each one was worse than the last, going into detail of his thoughts of you. But it was his most recent which was the most disturbing.

I fantasize about you. For months, I could feel you, even from afar, I felt you. Oh, how it hurt me to stay away, to lay in wait for the right moment. I needed you to like me, to want me as much as I wanted you.

I learned everything about you. What you liked, where you lived, who your friends were. I molded myself into everything you would ever want, everything you needed.

You will never understand how hard it was to stand by and watch you. To love you so much and have you not see me. That's all I wanted. You to love me. For a time, you did. You felt me too, needed me the way I needed you.

Don't you see what you've done? You made me what I am. I am your creation. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't exist. And that's the best part. Even as you push me away, in the end, I belong to you and you to me.

Isn't it beautiful? I'm smiling just thinking about it.

But you had to go and hurt me. That's what you did. You hurt me. I gave you everything and you never gave anything back. So now, I will take everything from you. How's that sound?

Soon enough, you will have nothing. You'll have to come to me because there will be no one else.

That's when you realized he had you wrapped around his finger, because no matter what you did it still had the same outcome. He didn't care if you told anyone, he would have his way. He made you think you had a choice, lead you to believe you could stop this. When the truth was, you didn't. You had no control over your fate.

You huffed at the idea that you thought for a second that he would let you choose. Why would he let you after months of deciding for you?

You took the device in your hand, opening it and dialing the number. It was not the one you wanted, but it was the one you had to. Taking a deep breath, through your nose, you press call, listening to the phone ring once before hearing a voice.

"About time," the voice answered, the sound making you dizzy. "So, you figured it out. I was wondering how long it would take. I will say it was faster than expected, though I did give you hints."

"I need this to stop."

A laugh came through the line. "Now, why would I do that? I'm having too much fun."

"Please, I can't take anymore."

"Ha, that's not what you were saying the other night."

You tried to keep your calm, wanting to negotiate with him not make him angry. "You know what I mean."

"I'm not sure I do."

"Yoongi, please I'll do anything." You stopped yourself after speaking realizing your mistake.

Another laugh sounded in your ears. "Anything, huh?"

"That's not what I meant," you retorted.

"Oh, I'm sure. Now, if I get anything. Hm, let me think," he paused for a moment, not because he needed to think, but for the sole purpose of dramatic effect. "I got it. You will do nothing."

Your mouth dropped open with his answer. Your mind unable to fathom his words. Even if they were so simple you couldn't believe it. "What?"

"You heard me. You will do nothing, just continue to sit there on your bedroom floor and think about everything I've said."

Your back shot up when he said exactly what you were doing. Somehow he knew. But why were you so surprised? He always knew. "Why are you doing this?" Tears formed in the corners of your eyes as you spoke.

"Because, darlin'. I love you."

"No." You clutched the phone tight in your hands. "You don't."

"Of course I do. Why would I do all of this, if I didn't?"

"You're psychotic."

"Ha, then what does that make you? Open your eyes, you're the one who made me."

You shook your head even though he couldn't see you. "I didn't, you did this to yourself."

"Hardly," he breathed. "What would I be without you?" He changed his tone to a child-like whine as he spoke. "Now, sleep tight because you don't know when I'll be coming. Oh, and say hi to mom and dad for me." Then he hung up. Leaving you alone to think about what he had said.

You knew what he was doing, playing with your mind to make you think you were the one in the wrong.

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