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Namjoon's POV

"Ughhh" I groan. "Time For College.. My New College" I whine to myself.
I Eventually decided to get up and Get dressed.
' luckily for me I showered last night.' I thought. I checked the time and realized I was almost late for my morning classes "Why the fuck did I take a shower for so long" I sighed. I threw on a quick outfit I wanted to make a good impression for my first day on campus. Then I broke out of my thoughts "But I can't make a good Impression Being late" I grabbed an apple and called my best friend. "JACKSON!!" I Screamed. "What??" Jackson says groggily. "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE" I Cried and Jackson laughs.
"I set your clock a hour behind so you can be on time" Jackson explained. "You're a Ass and A amazing person" I sighed and pouted "Pweaseeee come pick me up so we can go to classes together since I moved here for chu" I said in a little voice huffing as Jackson groans.
"Where are you?" Jackson sighed. "Back at home" I Smiled. "Be there in 10"Jackson Groaned. "Bye Sonie, see you sooooon".

-15 min later-
I was changing outfits until I decided on one.

'It's Cute' I thought but then rudely cut off when I heard knocks "JOOOOOON OPEN THE DOOR" I Bursted into a fit of laughter seeing that my friend had no pants on "Explain" I chuckled.
Jackson Glared a Me and said "I was in a rush to see you and I forgot-" I finished his sentence "You forgot your pants" I taunted.
Jackson rolled his eyes "Gimme pants and let's just head to school" I nodded In agreement.

-In the car-
I hummed and Said " Hyuuuung~ You Didn't Finish Telling Me about the "populars"."
Jackson nodded "Ahh Yes well..
This is my first Chapter and I hope y'all Liked my story as much as I like writing it.

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