Preston's Play!

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This take place during "Preston Goodplay's Goodplay" episode. I also suck at writing so, 👊😔

Preston was mid-way into his play then suddenly the curtains closed as it was intermission time. Everyone got up and walked over to get some snacks. Preston looked around for one camper in particular...
Preston jumped off the stage and ran towards Harrison, the person he needed to ask for a favour. He dashed towards him.
"Hey harrison? Could I ask you a favour??" Preston asked.
"So for my next scene I'm playing a magician and I was wondering if i could use your hat and one of your scarves?" Preston said in a rushed tone.
"Uhm okay! Which scarf would you like to borrow? I got black I got white, yellow, purple, or green!" Harrison asked Preston, handing the taller one his black hat.
"I'll have the.... PURPLE ONE! Purple is so ICONIC!!" Preston shouted dramatically. "Oh and thanks!"
"Sure, anytime!" Said Harrison as he darted towards their tent that they shared together. Harrison looked through his bag and finally found the purple with lighter stripes. He looked at it for a moment and then snapped back to reality that he needed to hurry before intermission would end. He pushed pass the tent door and began to run towards the stage. He started to peer around for his friend, Preston.

'What is taking him so long...'

Preston thought to himself, as he watched the campers start to sit back down with their poor excuse of "snacks"
in this low budget camp. He then heard slight pattering of feet, FINALLY!!!
Harrison took a second to catch his breath and then pulled the scarf out of his pocket and handed it over to his taller friend.
"Wow! What a pretty shade of purple! Thanks Harrison!" Said Preston as he grabbed and rapped the purple scarf around his neck, and placed the black magical hat on top of his head and looked over at Harrison with happy eyes and simply said
"Thanks Harrison, your the best!" As he pats Harrison on the head and then hops onto the stage. Harrison just stood there in awe...
Harrison takes his place beside niel, the worst camper. (literally love neil to death*cri*)

~After the play~

Preston had tomatoes thrown at him after his play, but he was not surprised. He knew everyone loved his plays for the last few weeks only because they included wacky camp counselor and his wacky ball tossing.
"Ugh, amateurs...." Preston sighed as he walked back to his tent to grab a towel. He wanted to take a shower before supper, he knew how david got when someone showers after dark....
He opened the flap to the tent and walked over to his bag he packed for camp. He dug past his pj's and other clothing pieces to see his fuzzy Hamilton towel. His favorite! He grasped the towel and looked behind him to see-
"Harrison!?!? Goodness you scared me!" Preston said surprised. Harrison looked shocked.
"Shit man! Sorry I spooked you out! I promise I didn't mean to!"
Preston sighed in relief, he spoke.
"It's fine it's fine...."
"Uhm I just came into the tent to give you," Harrison paused "these!"
He pulled out a bouquet of red roses. Preston stared at the bouquet Harrison pulled out of his magical hat.
"WOW! Harrison thank you! What are these for though?!?" Preston exclaimed, taking the flowers. Preston stood up, towel and the rose's in hand.
"I thought your play was pretty good, but Neil terrorized me into throwing some tomatoes....." Harrison explained to Preston, scratching behind his neck. Preston just smiled and nodded, indicating he understood.
"Well I better go, I need to wash off this rotten gunk! Thanks Harrison!"
Preston said and then ran towards the shower houses. Harrison stepped out of the tent and started to make his way towards the mess hall.
Preston dramatically opened the shower house and pranced towards the benches and sat down.
"What was all that with Harrison?"
He spoke to himself.
"Neither the less, I shall get this rotten SHIT off of me! Now let's place this towel here," Preston placed his towel on the bench and then undressed.
Harrison sat down at a table closest to the mess hall doors. He honestly wanted to speak to Preston about his play he preformed just a few hours before.
"Alright now that I am ready, I should be going!" Preston said and the started to walk towards the mess hall doors.

arrisons stomach growled as he waited for their average, boring, and very very old potatoes.... He dreaded them and so did everyone else. He looked around and saw everyone just chatting impatiently waiting for food to be ready.
Suddenly Preston bursted through the doors and saw Harrison.
"HARRISON!! Just the man I wanted to see!" Preston exclaimed as he sat besides Harrison. He looked at the shortest and smiled.
"Okay so," Harrison began " I really like that part when the city man went to war with his wife's ex man and began going turbo on him with the gun!!!! I think that part was really cool! The part I really really REALLY loved was when a-" Harrison was caught off by the quarter master.
"Suppers ready."
The quarter master went around and gave a few scoop fulls of potatoes. Preston poked at his food for a while, Harrison did the same.
"Omg, I think I found a strand of nikki's hair..." Preston said as he pulled a long teal strand of hair out of his mashed potatoes.
"Oh dear," Harrison laughed at Preston's remark " I think I found a rat tail in mine..." They both laughed together.

~bed time~

Preston layed in his cot, writing about the next play Harrison had requested. While Harrison on the other hand was practicing a new trick he had wanted to do for a while.
"Hey Preston?" Harrison began to question.
"Yes, Harrison dear?" Preston questioned not realizing how he worded it.
"I-I uhmm..." Harrison blushed slightly.
"Oh shit! Sorry Harrison! I didn- I didn't word that right..." Preston studded a bit. He layed down and turned to face Harrison.
"You know," he started " I think you have pretty eyes..."
He turned around and fell asleep shortly after. Leaving Harrison speechless and flustered. He just sat there on his cot and stared at him. He then layed down and faced towards Preston.
"You too." He said quietly as he too started to drift off..
He then thought to himself,

Do I Love Him more then a friend?

Henlo there! This is the author speaking! Uhmm so I really enjoy making fics and I think this is the best one I've written! I'm really happy with how I typed it out, I hope you do too! I also really enjoy this ship, it is unappreciated but it also does need more content! So I made this for you guys thirsty for a new yummy ship! God I love it *cri*
So uhm until next chapter! Good bai!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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