Soulmate Lore

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A Soulmate mark appears on the body at the birth of the soulmate. This mark is the first words their Soulmate will ever say to them.

Soulmate marks are sacred and special, meant only for Soulmates to see. Sometimes close friends and family members are allowed to see them. Each one vary's in writing style and color. The Style comes from one Soulmate and the Color from the other Soulmate. The color helps to deferentiate from others who may have the same words.

Ex: (Soulmate 1 will be Anna and Soulmate 2 will be Ben. Annas' Favorite Color is Blue and Bens' Favorite Color is Green)

Annas words Say: Oh! Yes, Sorry. Hey. (In green)

Bens words Say: You're not going to say, Hi? (In Blue)

(In the situation above he bumped into her and she made him greet her after he helped her pick her stuff up silently.)

Not all soulmarks are the color of the soulmates favorite color they might be a color they look best in or a color associated with them.

The marks are always in the writing style of their soulmate. So in the example above if their words were just Hi both of them they would look at the style of the writing and see if it matched their own.

Now thousands of years before humans found out about aliens people got strange 'languages' written on their skins they couldn't read. It wasn't until they met the aliens and saw the languages that they realized some humans had alien Soulmates. It wasn't like a soul discriminated just people and society. Humans that were born with Alien Soulmarks learned the languages they were written in in order to find their Soulmates easier. Translators only helped so much. Only verbal language was translated.

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