Chapter 3

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"You..." She repeated and suddenly pointed her index finger at him. "...You're the girl from the café!"

His eyes blinked twice in confusion. 'Huh?'

"Remember, last week. We bumped into each other?"

His mouth just opened for an answer. 'What the hell is she talking about?! Didn't she recognized me?'

"At the café, you accidentally spilled my drinks on my dress so you let me borrow your new bought clothes?" She again tried to make him remember the scene that he never had.

'Someone so clumsy spilled a drink on her...' He just nod slowly as he tried to see the whole picture.

"Do you remember it now?"

'Nope.' "Y-Yeah." Smiling awkwardly he gave her a thumbs up.

"I thought you forgot." She sighed in relief and smiled sweetly to him. "I'm really thankful that you let me borrow your newly bought clothes that day—oh wait, speaking of..." She rush to her luggage and get something from it.

He rubbed his nape. "I-It's partly my fault... I think." He's guessing that Mina's 'encounter' with him has something to do with his evil twin sister—clues are all over the page and clumsiness is definitely one of it.

"Here." She handed him a paper bag. "Luckily I bring it here with me."

He opened the paper bag and see a pair of signature clothes. He secretly snorted. This confirmed his conclusion. 'Its definitely Jaeyoung's.'

"By the way, I haven't formally introduced myself to you yet. I'm Mina, Myoui Mina." She said and offered a handshake to him.

His eyes go back and forth to her hand and to its owner. "She really didn't recognized me, huh?' He hesitated for awhile but eventually accepted the offer.

As their hands touched he found himself in a deep thought staring at the hand he thought he'll never have the chance to hold again.

'It still feels the same...' A memory of him holding this same exact hand suddenly flashback to his mind.

"What are you doing?"

Chaeyoung mischievously smiled as an answer. Seeing his seatmate trying hard not to show her annoyed face really gave him pure entertainment. Their class just ended and the girl was supposed to leave her seat when he held her hand to stop her.

"Chaeyoung!" She tried to lower her voice. Mina consciously look at their busy classmates inside their classroom.

"What? I'm just holding your hand." He said and teased her to lift their hands together but before he did Mina pull it back under the table so no one could see.

She tried to resist but she can only do nothing with his firm grip. "Will you please let go of my hand?"

"Nope." He shook his head and flash a smile at her

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Stop fooling around, Chaeyoung. You—"

"Let's have a date."

"What?!" Her eyes widened to her surprise. She felt blood rushing through her face because of his sudden suggestion.

"Let's have a date. You. Me. On a date this coming Saturday."

"W-What? No! Why would I want to go on a date with you?"

"Well, everybody wants a date with me..." He simply answered and wave a hand to one of their female classmate who just bid a goodbye to him. Smiling, he then return his attention to his seat mate. "As I am saying... I'm just thinking, maybe you want it as well but you're just too shy to ask me. So, since we're friends, I'm giving you the opportunity." He winked his eye as he said the latter.

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