Chapter 6

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"Here, for your headache." Mina handed him a bottle of ibuprofen that she always have in her bag. "take that after you finish your meal."

He thankfully smiled at her. "Thanks."

"Let me guess." Sana put her chopsticks down and seriously look at her best friend besides her. They are having their lunch together at the cafeteria. "You spent the whole night with a pile of paper works again, right?"

"I have to..." Jeongyeon pouted then leaned his elbows on the table and massage his head. "...Got some paper works needed to be done."

"Jeongyeon, it's just the beginning of the semester and yet you're already overworking yourself." Sana stares at him with a worry face.

"Don't overwork things, Jeongyeon." Mina sincerely said.

"Thanks for worrying, guys, but I'll be okay." He gave them an assuring smile. "This is just a headache it will eventually fade away." He said and lay his head on the table with his forehead facing it.

"How can you be okay with that, stupid?" He heard Sana said.

A moment later he felt soft fingers touching and his forehead. He look at his side and see his best friend who's focused on massaging his head.

"This will help you to relieve the pain." She said.

Jeongyeon genuinely smiled and move closer to her to give her better access. 'How lucky I am to have her.'

"You got a lot of things going on, Jeongyeon. You got school work, you're training in the IM company, plus your duties as the president of the student council. How can you handle those stuffs?"

"I don't know, but I'm just enjoying the feeling of challenge that those stuffs gives me." He answered with his eyes close feeling the relief and gentleness that Sana's magical fingers is giving him.

Sana rolled her eyes and sighed to his answer. "It's confirmed, you're one hell of a workaholic person."

"Hey guys!— oooh, a lovey dovey time it is."

Sana beamed her eyes at Dahyun as she annoyingly distance herself from Jeongyeon.

"Yah! I was having a massage here!" Jeongyeon complained.

"You two look perfect together. Why don't you two just date each other?"

"You're crazy. Who would want to date a person who prefer spending his nights with a bunch of documents and paperworks just to end up whining how his head hurts because of it?"

Jeongyeon look at Sana ready to say something but just smiled at her.


"Nothing." He stated and pouted. "Can you continue the massage, please?"

Dahyun and Mina chuckled as they witnessed an awkward but kinda cheesy atmosphere that their friends are having right now.

"By the way Mina. Where's Jaeyoung?" Dahyun asked Mina.

"Aren't you supposed to be with her in class?" Jeongyeon asked as he was disappointed Sana ignored his request.

"Yeah, but she's not in the class the whole morning."

"Actually, Jaeyoung didn't went back at the dorm yesterday." Mina stated.

"Oh is that so." Dahyun place his hand under his chin and massage it. "I wonder where she went..."

"Well, maybe she just went somewhere and forgot to tell you guys." Sana commented.

They all nodded to agree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2024 ⏰

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