part 1

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"Jenna!" Your mother calls
"What" you respond
"Your gonna be late" your mother says
You go downstairs and start walking to your new school. While walking you run in to your favorite YouTuber Colby brock and Jake is behind him
"Omg"you say in disbelief
"She must be a fan" says Jake
"Y-yeah i-i am" you say nervously
"Yo you are actually kinda cute"Colby says"where u from"
"South Carolina"you say
"Where you goin"asks Colby
"School its my last week" you say
"Do you wanna skip school and hang with us" asks Jake
"Sure"you say
Your heart is racing so fast you can not believe you finally met Colby and you are hanging out with him
"Jake can we talk in private"Colby says
"Umm bro *points to you*" says Jake
"I have to tell you something bro" says colby
Jake rolls his eyes and tells you to hold on for a minute
Jake and Colby's conversation.
Jake: what
Colby: she is hot i kinda wanna date her
Jake:well then do something
Colby:i wanna fuck her she so hot
Jake:ok what ever
Back to you.
"Umm "says Colby while biting his lip
"Yes"you ask
"I kinda..."
"Have a crush on me?" You ask
"How did you....."Colby says before you cut him off giving him a kiss.
"Ooh" says Jake
You start running toward Jake and Colby follow you. You Jake and Colby go to their house. Colby introduces you to everyone. Colby takes you to his room.
Then you see him take off his shirt.
Your think oh my God is my dream gonna come true
Then colby starts kissing your stomach and works his way up to your lips while doing so he pulls off his shorts. Then you takeoff your shirt and shorts and while kissing you he pulls of you panties
"Are you ready" asks Colby
"Always ready for you"you say
Colby smirks then takes out his cock and then starts thrusting inside your asshole 💦💦
"Oh god Colby" you moan
Just then we hear a knock
"Can i come in" asks jake
"Um uh"says colby
"Im taking that as a YES"
he walks in and sees us on Colby'su bed fucking
"Oh shit sorry"says Jake
"No wait Jake you can join"you say
"Wouldn't that be awkward"says Jake.
"No" me and Colby say
"Ok" he says while shrugging
Jake locks the door and walk over to the bed
"Suck me" says jake
You start sucking his cock
Colby still thrusting inside you
10 mins later
You mom is face timing you
"Oh no" you say
"What" asks Colby and Jake
"My mom is calling" you say as you answer the phone
"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" your mom says
You give the phone to Colby while he starts saying its none of her buissenes and crap like that then hangs up
" I never liked my mom " you say
"I cant blame you" Colby says then you all get dressed and while they are walking you home you start crying
"What's wrong" asks colby
"I don't wanna go in my house alone" you say
"Ill go with you" says Colby
"Me too" says Jake
"Really guys" you ask
"Yeah" they say at the same time
All three of you enter your house you show the boys to your room your mom is in your room expecting you to be alone and she looks angry then you hand Colby make up expecting him to pack it in the suit case but instead he puts it on

"Really colby" you laugh
"Had to" he shrugged
You and jake just laugh
"He's really emo now" Jake said
"Anyway lets get back to packing"you say
After packing
Ok lets go home now boys" you say
"Wait"you say
"What" asks Colby
Then you turn around punch your mom and walk out the door like nothing happened
"Badass" says colby
"This is why i love you"you say
"Well i love you for being you" says Colby
You look up and kiss Colby
"OOO OOO Ooh" say Jake
You and Colby chase him
"Whoa" said Jake and he stops me and colby from running in the middle of an intersection
"Thanks Jake" we say
2days later...........
Colby gets down on one knee and asks you to marry him in front of your hole school everyone cheers and you say yes
9 months later..........
"COLBY!!!!" You yell
"What what" he says sounding worried
Then he hears a baby and he breaks down the bathroom door seeing you holding yours and his baby in the bathtub
"JAKE!!!!" yells colby
"WHAT" yells Jake
"CALL 911 JENNA JUST HAD A BABY" yells Colby
The ambulance gets to the house and take you to the hospital colby rides in the back with you
At the hospital......
"Colby" you say
"Im right here"says Colby
You pass out for 5 mins
You wake up to Colby holding your hand
Back at home
"Hows the baby Mrs.brock" Jake asks
"Kill him" you say laughing
"Ok" says Colby laughing
Colby starts chasing Jake
You go to the living room and sit down with July the baby and start feeding her then Colby comes down and you start making out with colby jake comes down and looks confused and starts randomly laughing
" He is drunk" says Colby
"How are you doing " asks Jake drunkly
"Wheres your vape pen" you ask Jake
Jake looks around even tho its in his hand you and Colby start laughing at him

The Fan With the Youtuber (Part 1 Of 3)Where stories live. Discover now