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"Its in your hand jake" you say laughing
"How did it get IN my hand"asks jake drunkly. You and colby start laughing histarically and then jake takes his iPhone and asks what it is
"Its an iPhone jake"you say
Jake then puts it to his eye and trying to make his eye talk
"I cant talk with my eye tho"says jake and then smashes it on the floor.
"Jake why did you do that" you ask
"Bc it is pointless I cant talk with my eye so its pointless"says jake
Jake heads to bed and you and colby start making out again then July says her first word
"Momma" says July
"Omg colby" you say adored
1 hour later.....
Jake wakes up
"Why is my iPhone busted" askes jake
"You smashed it"you say
"No i didn't"says jake
"Yes you did"you say
"Prove it"says jake
You show him the video of him being drunkly stupid. Jake laughed.
"Omg i'm so stupid" Jake said
"I know" you laughed
5 years later.....
"I cant believe July is finally starting school"you say adored
"Momma i'm scared" July says scared
"It's gonna be ok July" says Colby
"Are you sure"july says
"Yes"you say and kiss her on her head now go get in the car
"Ok mommy"says July
"Where you going" asks Jake
"School"says July as she heads to the car
5 weeks later.......
"Mom my friends wanna come over" July says
"okay sweetie" you say 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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