Chapter 3

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It has now been a year and a half since Rose lost the baby. Things have been slowly getting better but she remains in a coma but we have moved her to private quarters thanks to her father. After losing the baby, she had to be put back on life support to help her breathe easier. I've been approached more times than I care to count by counselors here at the hospital that help with grieving but you see what they don't understand is she isn't dead yet! I'm not giving up on her! I truly believe that she will wake up.

The more time she takes to wake up the less hope Crystal seems to have but with Oliver, it seems he already has given up on her. He doesn't come to see her every day anymore but a part of me doesn't blame him because honestly, it hurts so badly inside having hope for something that has such a low outcome. But if I give up then there is no one left to keep her alive. Her father has kept in touch with me and came up to see her about 4 months ago along with her brother. I'm probably crazy but I feel so alone sometimes. Being in her presence helps some so I go there to read and talk to her.

Oliver and Crystal found a place together and just recently finished unpacking. I am happy for them I am... I can't say my life has been lived in a complete shadow since Rose, I've completely immersed myself in the job and working on taking care of the people that need me.

It's almost 3 a.m. as I glance down at my watch walking out the doors of the hospital. I got off at 2:30 and I've spent the last half hour with Rose, I read her a couple of chapters out of her favorite romance novel that I seem to have read to her about 6 times already but I know how much she loves it. Climbing into my truck, I start the car and within seconds I hear the cock of a gun before the cold barrel is placed at the back of my head. I almost don't breathe as the man's voice echoes in my ear thinking to myself how this could play out if I try to fight back.

"Don't move a muscle!" the man's gruff voice calls out in a deadly tone.

"Listen I don't want there to be any trouble."

"Shut your fucking mouth! You will take me to see Rosalie Jones!" anger flashes through my eyes as my jaw clenches. I can feel the rage burning within me. Why in the hell does he want to see her?! Does he not understand that if I take him to her I will know what he looks like? I slowly raise my hands, holding them in front of me to convince him of my surrender.

"Look I have no idea who this Rosalie Jones person is," I say calmly as I try to contain my anger. But as soon as the words slip from my mouth the butt of the gun strikes me in the head setting me off balance momentarily before the barrel is pushed into that same spot once again. Wincing slightly I grit my teeth as the man speaks again.

"Don't fucking lie to me I have proof that you know her!" he grates angrily shoving the gun into my head for the third time. Maybe if I can get him out of the car I might have an advantage over him. There is no way in hell I would take him to Rose.

"Alright fine I will take you to go see her," I reply lowering one of my hands slowly placing it on the door handle opening the door. He gets out of the car quickly as I step out jabbing the gun into my lower back. I guess that's his way of thinking he has power over me. I still have no idea what he looks like as I close my truck door.

Glancing behind me I notice he is about my height give or take an inch. I might be able to take him and from the feel of the gun being pressed against me, it doesn't seem to have a suppressor so unless this guy wanted to make a scene he didn't plan on shooting me. Maybe if I can knock it out of his hand I can take him by surprise making him pull the trigger to cause a scene hopefully without getting shot myself. The gun is jammed into my side once again.

"Let's go!!" He says angrily as he glances around to see if anyone is watching. Now is my chance! Taking a step forward I gain momentum as he steps with me. Stopping abruptly, I plunge my elbow into his gut making him hunch over with an angry grunt. He lifts the gun towards me and without thinking I shove my palm into his forearm making him pull the trigger. At first, all I hear is the gunshot ring in my ear as my right hand comes around hard and fast striking him in the throat. The gun drops out of his hand as he staggers back holding his throat choking out. I take that opportunity to place myself behind him putting him in a chokehold. After that strike to the throat, it doesn't take long to knock him out. His squirming comes to a stop and I let go of him, his body dropping to the cold cement.

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