Chapter 5

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Rose's POV

The days have been long and the nights even longer. Everyone is here with me surrounding me but I still feel alone in my emotions. This whole situation makes me feel so stupid. Like everyone knows the answer but me. I am trying to piece together the two years of my life before the coma. Remembering what happened to Kyle nearly destroyed me... It's still destroying me.

The other day I was cooking at Crystal and Oliver's apartment where I've been staying and I burnt myself pretty bad. The worst part wasn't the burn, it was the way I felt towards the pain from what happened. I didn't cry out in pain I was just thinking about things and Crystal happened to walk into the room and she freaked out calling Oliver into the kitchen. Crystal didn't dare say it but I knew that a part of her thought I did it on purpose. Later tonight I was planning on staying with my dad and brother at the hotel they have been staying at.

Crystal and Oliver are currently out on a date I guess. I don't remember how they met but I'm just happy that they are happy. The water begins to turn cold or maybe it's been cold and I guess I just realized. I stand up on my feet in the shower turning it off. I wrap a towel around my body as I grab my comb running it through my drenched red curls. I walk into the bedroom and up to the full-length mirror taking my towel off looking over my body. Looking into my blue eyes I can see the sadness within myself. Tears prick my eyes as they travel down over my chest which seems to have gotten bigger and down to my waist and stomach. I seem to have some slight excess skin and a small scar that is starting to fade on my lower torso. Tears fall down my eyes as I cover my torso with my arms. Why can't I remember what happened to me?! Backing up I sit on the bed behind me.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door looking towards the bedroom door. I wipe my face as his voice echos out.

"Rose? You in there?" Eric calls out cautiously. I stand up and quickly put on my undergarments.

"Yeah just wait in the living room I'll be out in a moment," I reply stumbling to the closet slipping on a light blue flowy sundress. Stepping out of the bedroom I expect Eric to be there but he isn't. "Eric?" I say cautiously as I step out into the kitchen. I have gotten better at walking since I have been attending Physical therapy.

"Yes, Rose. The door is locked," he says with a soft chuckle so I go over to the door and unlock it. Opening it, his face comes into view. His smile widens as he looks at me and opens his arms. I defiantly take the invite wrapping my arms around the back of his neck his arms wap around e holding me up. I hold him close to me as if I'm scared I'll fall. He presses his face into my neck and hair. I don't understand where these feelings are coming from or how long I've had this feeling. When I think of Kyle there is this feeling of pain but distance like I know it happened long ago. Pulling away slowly I look him in the eyes.

"So why you here right now? I thought you had work." I say taking a step back letting him enter the apartment.

"No, I took today off," he says stepping into the apartment closing the door. I can feel my legs start to shake so I make my way over to the couch. Eric grabs my arm helping me. I've been going to therapy every day. I couldn't stand not having control over my body. Eric was with me every time he could be.

"So if you took the day off I'm assuming you have plans?..." I ask hesitantly looking down at my hands in my lap.

"Just to spend time with you. I had somewhere in mind that we could go," he says rushing a strand of hair out of my face making me look up at him. The way he looks at me makes me blush and look away. There are so many things going through his head right now.

"Don't look at me like that..." I reply shifting in my seat.

"Like what little Rose?" he asks placing his hand over my shaking ones." would you like some tea?" he asks. At first, I'm confused but my mouth opens and speaks before I know what I'm saying.

"Chai" it comes out in a whisper and he stands looking at me with a soft smile before turning into the kitchen. I pull my knees to my chest thinking to myself as my body begins to shake. Closing my eyes tightly I shake my head. It hurts too bad I can almost physically feel the pain of whatever memory or memories are trying to come back. Suddenly a warm hand is placed on my shoulder a gasp escapes my lips as my eyes open and I breathe heavily. Leaning forward I grab onto the hand pulling it close to me. Arms wrap around me as Eric sits beside me pulling me close. Soothing me as I bury myself into his arms. How am I supposed to keep going on like this? How Is this fair to anyone..? What if I can't keep doing this...?

"I can feel the pain. It is almost unbearable. Who did this to me?" the question is open. I don't even know if I want to know.

"Oh, little Rose I wish I could help. Why don't we go somewhere?" He says standing up and grabbing the to-go cup of tea. Holding out his hand he helps me onto my feet handing me the tea.

Heading out the door we got into his truck and he helps me inside. After buckling myself I take a sip of my tea-making my eyes go wide. It is such an amazing and familiar taste. I look over at Eric as he is baking out of the driveway. Glancing over me briefly before looking back at the road he smiles softly.

"Can I make a request.." I ask softly looking out the window.

"Of course. What would you like to request?" he asks glancing over at me.

"Crystal told me that I used to work at IMG. Do you think that we could maybe go there to see if it triggers any memories..?" his smile fades and his hand grips the starting wheel tightly. I can tell that he knows way more than me.

"Do you think you're ready for that?" he asks, his voice taking on a heavy tone. His reaction is scary and slightly unnerving.

"If I want to remember everything I do not think I have a choice..." I trail off looking out the window as I continue to drink my tea intertwining my fingers around it.

About 20 minutes later we pull into the parking lot of IMG. Eric's hands remain on the wheel after he puts the truck into park. I turn my body to face him taking my foot under my leg.

"Eric? Are you okay?" I ask rubbing my palms across my dress. Then he lets out a small scoff before muttering something. Why does he look like he is struggling more than me at this moment? Placing my hand on his arm gently I see his grip tighten even more, so I pull my hand away and he lets go of the wheel looking defeated.

"I'm sorry... We should head inside," he says reaching for the door handle but I reach out grabbing onto his hand. Looking at me with his deep blue eyes. I can finally see him. His pain. For a moment it's just all there, spilled out on display. He smiles softly and it's like all that pain, sorrow, and loneliness is sucked back in. He brings my hand up to his lips placing a gentle kiss against my palm. My brows furrow together as he releases my hand. He turns away from me stepping out of the truck closing the door. I get out as well and follow behind him. He nods to the two older guards and they open up the doors for us. Walking inside there is a white marble receptionist desk with a singular older woman.

"May I help you Mr. Jenkins?" she asks as her eyes quickly rome over his body before taking a glance at me her eyes widening briefly. Why did she look at me like that?

"I would like to take Ms. Jones here up to the agency."

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