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Author's Note: Someone mentioned in the comments about the characters ages. As I mentioned at the beginning of the fic, this story mostly follows the New Earth canon. I disregarded anything in the New 52 that directly contradicts that. So the ages of the characters are about as follows:
Bruce: 44
Dick: 25
Cass: 20/21ish
Jason: 20
Tim: 17
Damian: 13
Ages have been approximated based on clues from the comics. I may eventually tag this as Underage, but it depends on whether I decide to write a certain scene or not.


Tim's first instinct is to go after Jason, which is why his irritation is entirely justified when a caped shadow detaches from above and lands in front of him in a crouch, blocking his path.

"Father says to check to condition of Hood's victims, then wait for medical units," Robin informs him.

Tim frowns. "Good for him. You don't need two people to do that."

He begins to head off again, only for Damian to bar his way again. "Obviously. But he was adamant about it."

"And since when do you listen to everything he says?"

Damian's mouth thins, nose wrinkling as it does when Tim does something irritating to him, like exist. It takes him a moment to catch up.

"Wait—he meant me?"

"He meant both of us, for whatever reason is beyond my comprehension." His permanent scowl slides more to the side of a pout, suggesting he isn't pleased with the directive. "He was determined to reach Todd on his own when he requested help."

The kid sounds like he is confused and disapproving all at the same time, which Tim can kind of agree on.

Reaching out to Bruce for help is not something he saw coming. Though, maybe he should have, since Jason always did have a unique ability to act outside the parameters of his own established patterns. It's why it was so hard to pin him down when he first returned to Gotham.

It's practical, too, I guess.

Jason's the sort of no-frill logic kind of guy. He knows out of everyone in the family, the person best suited to take him down if he needs taking down is Bruce—and much as he cares about him, Bruce will do it, too.

He really must be rattled to go with that option.

Tim's heart thuds a little in sympathy at that, understanding exactly what Jason's afraid of.

Before he died, he acted rash and could be violent, and was already justifying why certain kinds of people should be forfeit their lives. That conviction magnified when he came back to life. Killing another person, that might not have been something outside the realm of possibility—in a purely utilitarian way. But this—the idea that he might lose control of himself to an extent where he has anything in common with the creeps he's killed?

Tim wants nothing more than to go after Jason himself, to assure him that he's nothing like those criminals. But he also recognizes why it's not a good idea right now.

Besides, B has him. Just have to hope their...usual issues don't get in the way.

"I'm going to find the kid that was here," Tim tells Damian. "Got to make sure he's okay, maybe explain what happened."

"Whatever," Damian replies, toeing at the faintly stirring bodies.

Nice working with you, too...

Tim finds the teenager three blocks away, ducked into a corner to avoid the wind, sucking down a cigarette from shaking hands. When Tim rappels down in front of him, he gives a curse and jumps backward, nearly upsetting a trashcan.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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