Joining the JLA

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"So, what is it that you JLA people want with me, Batman?"

Delsin spoke out, obviously unsure what is going on.

"Your abilities are unique. Not even the metahumana and conduits can do such things, to absorb and copy other powers. The only person with powers combats to yours is Parasite."

"Well, we conduits are very natural beings, like Metahumans, but different, and more powerful."

Like Metahumans, Conduits can manipulate molecules and channel it as a certain form of energy. Unlike Metahumans, however, it is present in both Humans and Animals alike, and they grow stronger as time passes, even going without training their powers. And this isn't simply just their conduit powers, it also comes within their physical abilities. Also, unlike most Metahumans, they have the ability the age longer than most other Metahumans. They could even get a more possible form of immortality at just the right age for it to be activated.

"So, What does the Justice League want from a conduit such as me?"

"We want for you to join the Justice League, are you willing to do it?"

Delsin looked down for a bit, before looking back up at him, and speaking his answer to Batman.

"Fine, I will. In return, however, you need to get me a group that will watch out for any people from the D.U.P, in case they try to come back and rise to power once again. I am not letting the D.U.P rise to power for Augustine, and having to bring them down again, if you are actually thinking of integrating the Second Sons into the Justice League themselves."

"I was, in fact, in case Lex Luthor tried to attack the Justice League."

"We've met Lex and his group, and the Second Sons barely survived against them, if a hero called Fire hadn't saved us from them, than we would have been killed right than and there by Lex Luthor's criminal group. So it looks like you and I are in the same boat."

Batman nodded in understanding.

Flash: "Wait, Who are the current members of the Second Sons?"

Delsin: "Well, there's Abigail 'Fetch'
Walker, Eugene Sims, Olwen Kuo, and Agni MacGrath

Everyone was caught by surprise at Agni's surname.

"Wait a moment...MacGrath?"

Green lantern questions Delsin.

"Yeah. Both Olwen and Agni are two sons of Cole MacGrath. We should talked about it later, if the Second Sons are going to be Integrated." in the Watchtower...

The Second Sons were able to be brought into Watchtower. After proper introductions of the 2 groups working together as one, they were able to go along fairly well with one another. Unfortunately, because their real names are already revealed, there is outright no use to give them a superhero name to hide their identity from the public and all the citizens. This is rather unfortunate for everyone at the Justice League.

For Delsin, however, to him, was rather interesting. Crush wanted to spar with Delsin, as the both of them use chains as weapons. He questions if they should tell the members of the Justice League about that, but Crush...she outright doesn't tell them and just straight up goes for it anyway possible. While reluctant to do so, he finally agrees to spar.

When Delsin and Crush met at the training room, Delsin spoke out in concern for Crush.

"You sure you want to do this thing, Crush?"

"You bet I want, Punk."

"Alright, you wish us granted."

Luckily for her, Delsin had his Neon on, as it is weaker compared to the other powers that he has. I than used my chain like it was a sword.

The Conduits of the JLA (An InFamous and Justice League crossover)Where stories live. Discover now