━ eight. (literally) blinded by the sheer awesomeness of potter

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- (literally) blinded by the sheer
awesomeness of potter -

MADELINE WOULD LIKE TO MAKE ONE thing perfectly clear: James was a fucking idiot.

Okay, yeah, no new information there, but it seemed every time the two interacted he had come up with an entirely new way of astounding her with just how dumb he truly was.

The Hospital Wing was clustered with what was about twelve seventh years— one of which was unconscious, two missing an eyebrow, four temporarily blinded, and the rest with irritated skin. A couple of Hufflepuff girls were comparing rashes, arguing over whose was the most ghastly-looking. A girl sitting near them rocked back and forth muttering: "I can't see. I can't see." over and over again as a Ravenclaw boy beside her stared off into space, wide-eyed and buried in his hoodie, a sad attempt at hiding the balding spot near the front of his head. The infirmary was in utter chaos and there was no one to blame but James Potter aka the idiot who was dumb enough to mix two potions that did not go together. And for what? To prove a point? The only point he proved was Madeline's theory of his complete and utter lack of common sense.

Was it worth it, Potter?

     Slughorn stood a blubbering mess in an attempt to calm down the students, hands shaking and frail legs quaking. Students surrounded him, demanding they speak to Dumbledore, demanding Potter receive expulsion, demanding to see Madam Promfrey, demanding, demanding— Madeline almost felt bad for him (almost). He broke into a cold sweat, peaking through the curtain he was told a disheveled Poppy Pomfrey had disappeared behind only moments before their arrival.

     Madeline sat near the front of the room, sharing a bed with James who was scratching at an ugly rash on his forehead and cheeks. Even though Madeline was lucky enough to withstand injury (or perhaps smart enough to cover her face), she nearly had half the mind to hex him herself. Everyone was preoccupied, so there'd be no witnesses. Maybe...

     "You really shouldn't do that," said Madeline, matter of factly.

     "It itches though!"

     "And whose fault is that?"

     James grumbled something under his breath, but nonetheless stopped the relentless assault to his face. Madeline crossed her arms. If he thought she was finished scolding him, he had another thing coming.

     "You do realize this is the second person in the past two weeks you've sent unconscious to the Hospital Wing, right?"

     James sighed. "Here we go."

     "This isn't a joke, Potter. Someone could have gotten really hurt." Madeline turned to face him. "This is serious."

     "I know, I know, I just—"

     "You just what?"

     "Will you stop hassling me?"

     Madeline scoffed. "I will once you stop acting like an idiot!"

The two continued to bicker with one another, adding to the rising noise of the panicked seventh years. By now, Professor Slughorn looked as though he was going to explode.

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