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     Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock... The clock ticked as Timothy and Toby  crept into a house weapon in hand. They had their target locked; A young man in his late 20's, name unknown.  Getting into his house was no easy task of course. Toby wasn't the quietest person for a job like this, it wasn't his fault though.

"T-there, h-he is-" Toby twitched, looking to the man. He was asleep sprawled out on a lazy boy in a very messy living room. Since he was sleeping their job only had to be easier. Timothy gripped his knife inching closer, "Lets get this job over with."

The process of killing a man without leaving a trace was nothing new for the boys. They were slick and careful with what they did, they had practice anyway.   Toby pulled down his goggles and shakily raised his hatchet.  He didn't know what he was aiming for , and a small twitch could change anything.

"Shit!" Toby threw his hatchet, landing the man in his shoulder, waking him. The look of pain threw out his eyes. He started to gasp in pain as Timothy lunged on him, stabbing him a few times in the heart. Blood splattering everywhere, ruining the old lazy boy more than before. 

Toby smiled, as he watched Timothy finish the job. He wanted to do one more thing before they finished and hid the traces of them being there before dawn, stab his hatchet straight in the skull. He did it to finally finish it off.

"There goes another," Timothy dislodged the knife from the mans chest. Toby's head twitched as he nodded, "L-Lucky for, n-no cameras." Toby snapped his fingers a few times.  This was probably their easiest job yet. Neither of them were complaining, they had the rest of the day off of course.Timothy planned to take a shower.

Making their way out of the house, they headed back to the woods, their job was done for the time being. So they stopped to sit down on a fell down tree on the way back, Timothy needed a rest. Toby not so much. Timothy slipped off his mask, as did Toby with his mouth guard.

Timothy looked over to Toby, who was twitching vocally and physically. But with a sudden jerk of his head, Toby's lips crashed into Timothy's. As quick as it happened it stopped, Timothy turned a bright red shocked at what happened. 

Toby had an embarrassed look on his face as he pulled up his mouth guard and looked away from Timothy. He couldn't believe what just happened. "S-s-sorry! It w-was-" Timothy cut Toby off as he looked down, "I... I know...Let's just head back." Timothy stood. 

They had just kissed, accident or not. That could make any walk back awkward,  Timothy was red the whole time, which was covered by his mask. He could understand Toby has just twitched though. Still didn't make it any less awkward...


A/N: I'm doing one of these again but better, this is for fun for a reminder- new chapter sometime soon... Or should I say, Entry? Check out Henri's story which needs some help.

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