You left me!

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I left it an open ending comment on what did you thought i ment and what you think

was the ending thank you


you left me.......

on that cold summers night

you left me......

for some tacky ass person

you left me.....

to be alone on your day!

its hard not to hate you

its not hard to love you

my world was this happy place

till you came along

my hart was with joy

my hart was with love

until that infamous night

that lighted my soul alight

my mind is depro.....

my hart is broke.....

my soul has burdent, 

in the light of yours!

as my mind wonder

the light shines for.....

i know what awaits you

in the eternal hart

that is my eyes

for my eye's sees all

and all sees you

your hart is as broken as.......

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