Chapter 1

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The name is Stella, Im just your average teenage girl, who goes out with someone, breaks up and look for someone else again but at the same time, im just one of the guys, i love sports and im not afraid to get dirty and injured. Ive never really fallen in love with anyone before, me being only 16, i guess its meant to be until i had met him and everything has changed. 

I love California, the beaches, the malls, the never ending ray of sunshine but the never ending ray of sunshine can be such a pain in the ass when its summer. As usual, another boring day of summer, lounging around in my room, listenning to music and texting people, can my day get any more boring. As i was about to leave my room, i get a text from my ipod, its not really a text because i have this app in my ipod called TextPlus where theres a lot of communities you can join and chat with people around the world who has the same app as you. As i was saying, I got text from someone name Langlang saying "hi", since i have nothing else to do, i replied back saying "hi". As a matter of fact, were doing the same thing, nothing.........We texted on our ipod talking about random stuff and getting to know each other. I thought he was just one of those guys that just talk to pretty and hot girls just to get something but he was not, he was friendly, sweet, nice , amazing and when i talk to him, it doesnt feel like im talking to  a wall which was actually a miracle. We texted everyday and every hour, and one night, i asked him a question that, lets just say, changed the way i think about him. 

 Me: Hey, is your real name really Langlang?

Langlang : no, not really, i just got bored and had put that as my name , why?

Me: nothing really, just wondering...can i know your name?

Langlang: well....i dont really like my name cuz i feel like it doenst suit me but my friends call me Langston

Me: really?, i like that name 

Langston: really?, well tnx, soooooo watz up ?

Me: nothing much, looking for something to watch in youtuve, wat bout you?

Langston : just laying down texting people. you know, you should check out the Ranger$ 

Me: the Ranger$?

Langston : yeah, the Ranger$ and also look for Number One Dime, its a song they made

Me: oh ok then

Langston: ok, text me back when your done

Me: ok

5 minutes later.........

Me: OMG!!!, they were great, how come ive never heard of them??

Langston: we are not that really popular

Me: you know watz so weird?, one of them look like you

Langston: LMAO!!!!, duh, im one of them, im the one with the red hoodie and yes im in that group

Me: you gotta be kidding me but that is so cool!!!!

Langston: lol, is it really that hard to believe?

Me: nah, not really, i was just messing with u 

Langston: meanie

Me: i know

SInce i found that he is actually in a singing, rapping, dancing crew, both of us got really close. one day, we were talking about our past relationships and out of nowhere, he asked me out. i asked him if he was just joking, he said no, we talked about an hour about and then he said that if i dont want to go out with him, might as well stop talking because he was just wasting his time with me. In the end, i gave in and end up saying yes to him. And that is how we became a couple, pretty wierd right?!?

LIke most couple, we  texted, talk on the phone but the sad part to it was having our relationship a long distance one. i wanted to hug, cuddle with him, go on dates but living 3 hours away from each other was not really working. Even though our relationship is a long distance, our love for each other is really strong. We have been going out for about 5 months now and things are going great, i had doubted our relationship when school had started but i waswrong, he said he loved me way too much to let me go and i felt the same way. 

i have about 5 friends in my school that are a huge fan of the Ranger$, and one day, they drag me all the way to LA, i didnt know what the purpose was, i just cruise along with them. Little did i know, we end up in a huge mall and there were a lot of people, i wasnt really paying attention to what was really going on, i just kept to myself, listenning to music, having my hood on and was being drag by one of my friends. My friends name are Samantha, Kelly, Deja, Lola, and Mariah. Deja let go of my hand and suddenly someone grab it again. i just followed them around until i noticed we were in a VIP room and thats when i had started to worry. I stopped Deja and was about to ask her where are we but then a lady looked at me all shock and i did the same. We both said who are you at the same time, both of us confused, i told her that she grabbed my hand and that i thought she was one of my friends so i just followed her along. She told me that she thought i was one of the staff and just drag me along also. Not knowing what to do with me, she just told me to follow her and i did but at the same time texting my friends on where i was and not to worry. 

I didnt know that following the lady will make a difference to my life and my relationship. The minute i walked in the room. i saw none other than the Ranger$, Julian, Day Day and of course Langston. I gasped at the sight of them and all of them looked at me and Langston did the same. He looked at me with an awe and smile on his face while i just stood there, looking and gaping at the same, let just say i look like an idiot. 

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