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Gunminie hyeong someone sent you a letter!”

“From whom?”

“Elli noona...”

“Damn, give it to me Woong-ah! Faster!”

Hwanwoong gave it immediately and the older grabbed it. He made his way to his room and opened the letter but after a few minutes, he threw it away as his tears streamed down through his face. Sobs let out from his lips.

Seoho hyeong...?”

Dongju-ah...” Seoho responds.

“What happened hyeong? Why are you crying?”

Dongju hugged the older because he thinks that the older needs it. He doesn't know what's happening but he can feel the pain on his Seoho hyeong's sobs.

Dongju-ah, why does these things need to happen?”

Hyeong, things happened because there's a reason behind it.”


Seoho travelled to his hometown after a few days when he knew that his agency was giving them a short break. He badly wants to go home and talk to his Elli.

Seoho heard his phone buzzed. He is currently in a bus going to his hometown. He opened his phone and opened ONEUS' group chat.


smolwoong: Seoho hyeong, take care! Be safe on your trip!

xionandoff: Hyeong, talk to Elli noona well. Understand her reasons. Take care!

oldjo: Ya Dongju-ah, where did you get those words? You're too young for that! But yes Gunmin, take care! Bring some good news when you come back!

geonheehee: Seoho hyeong, fix everything okay? Be safe!

leedonotleader: Fighting hyeong, take care!

elsahyeong: Yes, I will guys! Thank you so much!

He closed his phone as he chuckled. He hoped that when he meet Elli, everything will be fine.

After a few hours, he is finally back. Back to Elli and to his family. He didn't noticed that he is finally in front of Elli's house. Fear spread throughout his body when he finally pressed the doorbell. Mrs. Heo, Elli's mom is the one who opened the door for Seoho.

Gunmin-ah! You're back! Aigoo-ya, you looks so handsome. By the way, come in! Come in!”

Mrs. Heo and him entered the house and Seoho expected to see Elli in the living room but she is nowhere to be found. Curiosity hits him hard.

Eommonim, where's Elli?”

He finally had the courage to ask, the woman turned to look at him with an apologetic smile. It made him more nervous.

“She is in her room, want to see her?”

Seoho just nodded his head and he tailed Mrs. Heo to Elli's room.

Seoho got shocked when the door was finally opened. Elli looks pale like a paper and many tubes connected to her.

“I know you want to ask what happened to her. Her heart is failing. Her illness back then when was still young was coming back. We never thought about it again for how many years because she seems fine but when she is teaching in a daycare, she fainted and had a hard time breathing. We suddenly knew that her heart is failing again as what the doctor said. Right now, it was much worse than she was younger. Her last letter, I am the one who sent it to you. She told me that she wants to end everything between you and her because she felt like she won't be able to wait for you due to her condition. I know my daughter said unnecessary things on the letter but one thing is for sure, she really does love you so much.”

Seoho didn't noticed that his tears are flowing like crazy on his cheeks. When did ever Elli became this secretive?

“I'll leave you here for a while. You know, I need to cook for dinner. Let's catch up later and don't worry, Elli will wake up anytime soon. You can talk to her.”  

Mrs. Heo left with a sad smile on her face. Seoho nervously walked nearer to Elli's bed. His heart is pounding hard like it will explode anytime soon. He honestly don't know what to feel, he is shocked. He doesn't even know what is happening to his girlfriend. He mentally beat himself. Such a trash boyfriend he is. He sat on a chair beside Elli's bed, he hold her freezing hand. His tears won't stop from falling.

“I'm sorry Elli. I'm sorry for making you wait for too long. I am really selfish, am I? I'm sorry for not being there for you when you need me the most. I'm really sorry... I failed badly as your partner, as your boyfriend.”

He gently kissed Elli's hand. He startled when he heard an angelic voice that he is longing to hear for how many years. It wasn't a recorded voice anymore.

“Don't be sorry, my Gunmin...”

Seoho turned his gaze to his girlfriend who is lying on the bed. He immediately hugged her tightly. All those years without Elli on his side flashed in his mind. He miss his girlfriend so much. He suddenly asked himself why he chose path that would make everything hard for the both of them.

“I'm sorry love. I'm sorry for making everything hard for the both of us.”

“Hush, I told you, no need to say sorry. I love you, my Gunmin. I love you so much.”

“I love you too.. I really do, love.”

Seoho kissed Elli's forehead. Murmuring soft 'I love you's'  bit suddenly a long beeping sound  from the machine.

“She's gone. She just waited for me to come back home. Home in her arms...”


a/n: last chapter left. thank you for reading this shit ass fanfic. i love you all. ùwú.

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