The Lock in

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Santana's POV

I was walking along the silent halls of Mckinley High navigating by the moonlight streaming through the windowed doors at the end of the corridor. As I passed the darkened choir room I heard a soft sobbing, being the kind considerate badass bitch I am I went in to investigate. Sitting in the dark by the piano was manhands herself head in her hands, which I regretfully noticed were not manly at all and were actually quite dainty and pretty. I crept toward her trying not to draw attention to myself. We were alone, I knew that much the rest of the glee club were in the auditorium on the other side of school, setting up  their sleeping bags for the night ahead of them. I gazed upon the lonely girl sitting in complete darkness, I wondered what she could be crying about. Suddenly  I realised that it was quite creepy standing in the dark watching the poor girl cry. I cleared my throat to make my presence known. She jumped and quickly went to dry away the tears. I slid onto the piano stool next to her and uncomfortably put an arm around her. 

"Santana what are you doing?" she quizzed

"Just trying to give you some comfort." I snapped back. Quickly realising my threatening tone I adjusted and rubbed her back soothingly.

"San, you don't have to comfort me, it's really weird to be honest," at that she giggled and I retracted my arm from around her.

"I know i've been a bitch to you the past 3 years but I do care about you Rach, you're like the momma bear in our big glee family. So tell me what's wrong."

"It's Finn," she replied begrudgingly, wiping away a tear. I growled, that idiot had done something to hurt my girl and he was going to pay for it. Wait a minute, my girl. When did Rachel, man hands for god's sake become my girl. I shook my head as if to clear the thought.

"What did that idiot do to you?" I asked trying my hardest to keep my voice level. I was ready to go all Lima Heights on that boy if I needed to.

"we..." she sniffed and wiped away another tear, "we broke up" clearly something about saying it aloud really broke the girl and she broke down completely again letting out loud sobbs. I pulled he close into my chest rubbing circles with my thumb over her shoulder blades. I wanted to kill that Finn Hudson for hurting my girl. She pulled away slightly from me and locked her round brown eyes onto mine. It looked almost as though she was searching for something in them. 

"Santana why are you being so nice to me"

"Well it's as I said Berry, you're part of our messed up little glee family and I care about you. I don't want to see my girl getting hurt." I pulled her close again. Something inside me missed her being that close even though we'd only been a little apart for 30 seconds.

"Then why do you pick on me?"

"well..." I paused," you see it's..."I knew  had justified my bullying in the past but sitting there I knew that none of the reasons I had given were any good. There was no excuse. I had said that no one hurts my girl and there I had been tearing her to shreds everyday for the past three years. "I don't know" I finally muttered, "I guess I do it to everyone..." I trailed off. Without thinking I had pulled her onto my lap and she was sat across my knee like a kid with santa, ha santana clause. I chuckled slightly at the thought. She pulled slightly away from me and looked me dead in the eyes. Her eyebrows furrowed and she had that searcing look again. 

"Santana," she took a deep breath, "Santana I think, now please don't hit me once i've said this, but I think that you're lonely and insecure so you take it out on the people around you by pointing out their flaws, by bullying them and that's why you got that boob job a couple of years ago as well" My fists balled up, she didn't know me, she couldn't just pass judgement on me just like that. I was about to go all Lima Heights on the girl when I realised that everything she said to me was completely right.

"I don't get how you get me Berry" I sighed, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I'm just magic," she relied with a smile. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes just being alone together then Tina Fucking Cohen-Chang burst through the door of the choir room ruining the moment completely. She looked around the room desperately then locked eyes with me. I realised then that I was still cradling rachel in my lap. I jumped away from her like I had been burnt as Tina began to speak.

" Um sorry guys... I didn't know you would be in here... I was just looking for a good hiding spot.... we're playing hide and seek you see..." She trailed off trying not to make eye contact with me. She knew that I could pummel her if she got on my wrong side. She turned slowly and walked out the room. Rachel and I looked at each other, her eyes looked wistful for the peace we had had seconds earlier.

"well um.. I should probably yannow..." I trailed off pointing my thumb behind me toward the door.

"well um.. I'll see you in a bit" she gave a weak smile and a half wave as she waited for me to leave the room. I didn't understand how we hd gone from so naturally comfortable to unnaturally awkward in a split second. I turned on my heel and started walking away. 

"Hey Berry" I called, wheeling back round to her, "we should hang out sometime"

"Yeah," her face split with a dazzling grin, "Yeah we should" and at that I turned and strode back toward the auditorium.

A/n sorry for the crappy spag xx

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