The First Date Pt 2

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a/n one (1) person requested that I actually write the second part of this after over a year so I'm putting pen to paper (well I'm typing but you get the gist) and writing it, there is no promise that I will ever write another chapter of this again but it is a bit annoying that I didn't even finish the date so... here it is, enjoy! 

Santana's POV

We drove in comfortable silence to Breadstix, random music playing from the radio, Rachel was humming along and sometimes I found myself doing so too. While the majority of my attention was on the road ahead of me, my mind couldn't help but wonder to the girl sat next to me and how we'd ended up here, honestly I couldn't trace it back to any particular point. We'd known each other our entire lives but only recently had I realised just how amazing she was, at a certain point her singing became less annoying and more entrancing, her dress sense had gone from ugly to cute, and her presence had gone from something I resented to something I craved.  I think it was some time after the glee club had formed, Rachel had really started to shine when she performed with them and that, alongside her plot with Coach Sylvester, was part of the reason I had joined in the first place.

Before I knew it we had arrived at Breadstix (my favourite) and I walked 'round the car, hoping to open my date's door but she'd already done so and stepped out, so instead, I just offered my hand and we walked together into the restaurant. We sat and ordered, starting an awkward conversation, it was so weird, it was usually so natural to talk to her but something about it being a date was making it so difficult. We eventually stopped talking and just ate our free breadsticks in silence (god they were good). Finally, our waiter came with our drinks and I was thankful for the distraction, that was of course until he started flirting with my date. Rachel obviously noticed how antsy I was getting, almost ready to go all lima heights adjacent on his ass before I felt her hand rest on top of mine. I instantly relaxed at her touch and the waiter seemed to get the message and thankfully walked away.

She started talking about a production of Annie she'd been in when she was 10 or something but i wasn't really paying attention, feigning interest I instead took the time to memorise every detail of her face. The way her golden brown eye's glinted as she gushed over Miss Hanigan and the way she smiled with every word, god she was beautiful. I suddenly stood.

"San?" she quizzed, concern clear on her face

"Let's get out of here." I reached for my purse and threw a couple of bills on the table,

"Errr, why?"

"I want to show you something"

"Ok.." she smiled warily but took my hand and walked with me out to the car, we got in and drove the short journey to the school. Once we parked Rachel looked over to me, "Why are we at school San?"

I smiled "You'll see" I led her 'round the back and through the window of the staff room, the lock was broken so it never shut properly, making a great way of sneaking in.

"San... this doesn't feel legal"

I smirked "Don't be a pussy, we're fine, I do this all the time."

"Why are you always breaking into school?" she laughed as I helped her through,

"Ok so maybe not all the time..." I smiled, "but that's not the point, follow me."

We walked, hand in hand through the dark, deserted school until we made it to the theatre, we entered and Rachel made a beeline for the stage, god she's such a theatre geek,  a cute theatre geek though. I hung back. "Uh uh".

"What?" she whipped 'round to face me.

"I didn't break into school for the stage, i broke in for a different reason"

She raised an eyebrow "What's the other reason."

"Come with me." I took her around the back of the stage then up a ladder to a small balcony overlooking the space.

"San this is so cool... I've never been up here before." Her mouth was slightly agape, she did seem genuinely amazed by the space I'd found. "So why are we here exactly?"

I smiled and took a step forward, taking her hands in mine, "This... is where I first saw you shine."


"I was stood right here and you were.." I turned 'round so I was behind her, holding her in my arms, I lifted one of her arms and pointed down at the stage, "there. You were singing with the glee club, right after it was formed, Finn had just joined and you all sounded semi-decent for once. But it was you that took my breath away, I'd seen your videos online and seen you perform at talent shows and shit but this was something different, you were really in your element and damn, you looked beautiful doing it." She turned to face me, bringing a hand up to my face,


"I was just trying to work out how I ended up being here with you and I think it was that day, it was the first time I saw you, you're just so you when you perform and I don't know why but I really like you" I smiled tentatively, this was a bit more soppy than I usually went for but I think the moment called for it. In response, Rachel leant forward and pressed her lips to mine, i smiled into the kiss but she quickly pulled away.

"I really like you too." I smiled even more brightly at that. I think this could be classed as a pretty perfect date, in fact, I think most dated with Rachel Berry could be classed that way 'cause she's pretty perfect.

a/n so there you go, it was quite a bit longer than my usual Pezberry stuff but I hope you don't mind. I don't like this chapter very much but I hope you do, it is really all about the readers anyway, if you did you can check out my Jori fic if you want because I quite like that one so you might like it. All the best, Gen

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