The First Date Pt 1

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Santana's pov

My hands gripped the steering wheel. I was so nervous and I never get nervous I mean I'm Santana freaking Lopez why would I get nervous. The answer to that is one Miss Rachel Berry. She's perfect. Her smile is like nothing I've ever seen before, it's so bright and when she walks into the choir room each day she instantly relaxes as if it's the only place she's safe and whenever she walks down the hall she has this steely resolute expression as if to say 'no one's going to stop me today' and she never let's anything get her down. She's perfect and I've fallen completely head over heels for her.

I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding in and grabbed the flowers that were sat in my passenger seat. I stepped out of the car, adjusted my dress and started to walk toward the door of the Berry household. Just as I raised my hand to knock, the door swung open and I was drawn into Rachel's warm embrace.

"San!" she squealed, "I'm so glad you're here! I was watching from my window that's how I knew you were here. Not that I was waiting, I was just exited, I wasn't being creepy or anything" as she rambled she twisted a ring around her forefinger. She let out a breath, looked up and smiled at me. That breathtaking smile. "sorry I was rambling. You should really warn me when I do that, " she furrowed her eyebrows then her eyes lit up with an idea "I'll grab my coat then we can go"

I had barely managed to get a word in but I took the opportunity to thrust the flowers in her direction. "I er.. I got these for you..." I looked up and smiled. I wasn't sure why there was this awkward nervous yet exited energy between us but I knew it would disappear when we got on our way.

"oh my.. San... they're beautiful... tulips my favourite... I'll put them in some water" she dashed toward her kitchen and grabbed a vase. The brunette then came back into the room, grasped my hand and walked out the house.

I was officially on my way to our date.

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