Bleeding Purple

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   Evie opened her eyes and was immediately greeted with the blackness of the night. However, as her other senses further awoken, she heard quiet crying in the other bed nearby. Evie immediately came into alert consciousness and she turned to face Mal's bed as she threw off the blankets.

The moonlight illuminated a most heartbreaking sight- Mal was curled in upon herself, her head bowed and her arms folded over her midsection in a self-protective gesture as she mostly silently sobbed.

Evie took several quick strides over to Mal's bed and she slid behind the other girl carefully. She then wrapped her arms around Mal's middle, pulling the purple-haired girl against her body.

"Come here," Evie murmured to the back of Mal's head as she tugged gently. After a moment, Evie felt Mal shift backwards so that she was in the slightly older girl's lap. Mal subtly turned so that the side of her head was under Evie's chin and her face was nestled in the soft fabric of Evie's gown. Evie moved her arms so that she was stroking Mal's back.

The bluenette pulled her close, moving her legs so that they were under Mal's knees and Mal could lean into her more effectively. Mal wasted no time in resting her whole weight into Evie's body.

"Please don't let them hurt me," Mal whispered, and Evie felt her heart break as she wondered what Mal had been dreaming about.

"I won't let anyone touch you. Nothing will happen to you, I promise," Evie solemnly vowed. Evie just calmly and soothingly rubbed Mal's back in lazy circles, attempting to take the other girl's mind off of whatever she had dreamed.

After a little while, Mal finally moved her arms away from herself in favor of wrapping them around Evie.

"There you go, angel. It's okay. It's going to be fine," Evie reassured comfortingly.

She felt a shudder go down Mal's body and Evie knew that the girl must have been going over the nightmare in her head. After all, Mal had detailed the process of her overcoming her awful dreams once or twice to Evie. The bluenette believed that it made the faerie feel better to explain it.

After several more shivers, Mal's body finally went still. But she still was frighteningly tense, which left Evie with a nervousness in the pit of her stomach.

"Do you feel better?" Evie hesitantly questioned. Mal didn't say anything in reply for a few moments.

"Sometimes my method doesn't work," Mal pitifully told her before Evie felt a new wave of fresh tears begin to wet her nightgown.

"I know... I know," Evie murmured in the other girl's ear as she moved one arm up so she could run her fingers through Mal's beautifully purple tresses.

Evie sat there with her for another hour, tracing I-love-you on Mal's thinly covered back over and over simply because she knew it made the other girl feel so much better for Evie to express her affection toward her.

Mal was a very sensitive person, even if she didn't always act like it on the outside. She loved Evie's open showering of sisterly affection and attention, even if she liked to blow it off most of the time when in front of other people. When it was just Mal and Evie in their dorms, Mal would sometimes just flop down next to Evie reading on her bed and keep aggravating her until Evie finally would hug her close and read the book to her.

Evie loved Mal so much, which was why it pained her so greatly to see her having these nightmares even after Cotillion and Mal's restoration of faith in Ben's love for her as well as her love for him. Evie couldn't help but feel the same sharp pain that Mal endured during her nightmares. It killed her to see her sister like this.

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