Casting Instructions for 'Two Mind Reading Spells'

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What you need
•memorized spell (preferably)

First spell:
Look at your chosen person, carefully focusing, study everything, movement, emotions, and think deep thoughts about them, while still focusing. Then say as much as you please:

O worthy ones from above, and below, let me see what the person my eyes meet to sees. Let me see everything they see, let me think everything they think. By the power of 8, so mote to be.

Then blink 10 times, and close your eyes.

Second spell:
O, ones that stand from above and below, let me enter the mind of (first and last name). Let me see there thoughts, as I shall be able to talk with their thoughts. Let me see what they are seeing. By the power of 8, so mote to be.

Then, slowly close your eyes.

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