Black Iris

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I know Two really impotant details of my life at this moment.

One: my boyfriend is being chased by a group of bloodthirsty vampires.

Two: The head vampire of that group now wants him to suffer through me, and will stop at nothing to make that happen.

My life had turned upside down and all around in the past 3 hours. I was just heading in the door from my date when, I remembered Maggie was there watching Tessa. I went in and was immediatly bombarded with questions from my sister and Magie.

"What did yall do?" Asked Maggie

"Did you have fun?" Asked Tessa

"Did you kisssed him?" Asked Maggie

"Did he ask you out again?" AsKed Tessa

"When if he did?" Asked Maggie

"Are you goin to go shopping again? And if you do, can I come with you since I didn't get to last time?" Asked Tessa

"Ok. Ok. One at a time. We went and had dinner, then went to see a movie, Yes I had fun, no, we didn't kiss, yes he did ask me out again, Monday night, and probably, and yes, you can."

"YAY!" Shouted Tessa. I laughed at her, she always made me lagh when I was in a bad mood.

"We want all the details, where did you go, what did you see? How did you feel when you were around him?

"We went to one of the best italian restuarants in town, the one I had always been wanting to go to, then he asked me what I wanted to do next, and I said I had been wanting to see the new Harry Potter movie, so he took me to see that. then he took me to one of his favorite places around here just to show me, then he took me home."

"And how did he make you feel when you were around him?" Asked Maggie.

"He made me feel special, happy, relaxed, and carefree."

"Well, you certainly needed that, sinc you've been busy with drillteam practice, the trail, and the break up with Matt."

"Yeah, I did need it. Oh, but did I mention that he will be going to our school?"

"NO you did not! But that's awsome! Now you can go to prom with him, and totaly piss off Matt in the process."

"I don't want to piss off Matt, I just want to go to school and be able to just ignore him and not think about him."

"Ok, fine. But as long as I get to punch him in the face for hurting you."

"Thats fine with me." I said laughing.



She didn't know that I could hear every word she said about our date, and about how I made her feel, and about Maggie's plan about pissing Matt off, she didn't want to do that to him, but I was all for it. For all I care, he could eat shit and die for hurting Chelsi. But since she's against that I won't do that.

I raised my head up to sniff the air, making sure no one was around the house before I left. I would be back later tonight after I went home to ditch my car, take a shower and change, then come back.

I went and got in my car, and started the drive home. My house was on the outside of town. I pulled down my driveway and parked my car. I got out and smelled his scent. I followed it to the back of the house, were the door stood wide open. His scent was mixed with a few others that i didn't know, and one that I did.

My sister's.

I was was beyond pissed now. I was seeing red. I went in the door and walked down the hall toward my bedroom were their scents were the strongest. I opened the door and walked in.

I hissed. My sister was on the floor tied up, naked, and bleeding from cuts on her arms, legs, face, and the 2 tiny hole marks in her neck.

I looked up to see five men around her, one was the leader of the group of vampires out to get me, his name is Tyler, then the rest of his group of killers is his second in command is Logan, then Jacob, Ryan, and Ethan. Them together with a girl that is barely 16, and human, that is tied up naked and bleeding, with her big vampire brother in the same room, not a good combination on anyones part.

And that is exactly why they did it this way, cause they new if I tried to attack them, she would be severely injured, or maybe even killed. And I didn't want that.

"Hello Hunter, nice of you to join us."

"Go to hell Tyler."

"That is not the way to talk to me when your sister is here, and we know where your girlfriend lives to, we have someone there watching her, right now. So if one of us doesn't com back, he'll kill her."

"What do you want?"

"We want vengence, but we won't take it yet, cause we still have alot planned, and its not the right time, so consider this a warning in the future, don't cross us, or we will hurt someone close to you."

"Oh, and you better get her to a hospital, or else she won't live till morning." He said and they jumped out of my window and ran into the woods.




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