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I stood out on my patio with my phone to my ear . Calling Kamir for the third time in ten minutes . When the phone went to voicemail yet again I grew irritated . Who the fuck did this nigga think he was ? He think he can just come around here fuck me when he want & then get home & not even contact me ? I was furious ! I walked inside my house to get a drink. I pour a glass of brandy and then made my way over to my sofa . I took a long gulp & enjoyed the burn from the alcohol . I didn't know what the hell I was going to do about Kamir  . What I did know was that I was already head over hills for him . I  didn't know what it was about him that had my head so gone . It was probably the way his smile could light up the whole room.  Or the way he demanded respect no matter who he was around . Maybe it was the intoxicating smell that adorned his body . Let's not for get the man was just drop dead gorgeous ! There was plenty of reasons why I had fallen so hard for Kamir in such a short amount of time.  But whatever it was I wasn't feeling the cold shoulder he was giving me . When my phone started to ring I quickly snatched it up in hopes of it being Kamir . But I was quickly disappointed when my father's number popped up on the screen . His number wasn't even worthy of being saved in my phone.  I contemplated on not answering the phone . But the last thing I needed was him sending one of my brothers to find me . I quickly answered  . Jet.  I said acknowledging him dryly . Senae I have a job for you . Be here in a hour . He said in a very commanding tone . I sighed on to the phone . I'll be there I said ending the call . This was the last thing I needed ! I was trying to see what was up with Kamir , I couldn't focus on work and him at the same time ! I finished off my drink . I was tired of the men in my life running over me ! I was about to start getting my respect . I was going to start with Kamir ! I had never asked him to many questions so I didn't know much about him ! Hell I didn't even know if he had a girl . That thought crossing my mind had my anxiety kicking in . I felt sick & my hands began to shake . I needed to do some serious research ! I needed to find out more about the man I had falling in love with ! Being with Kamir had made me feel whole . For once in my life I felt worthy to a man & I planned to get him by any means necessary.  I quickly got up from the couch . Finishing my drink , I headed upstairs to my bedroom . I needed to get dressed so I could see what the fuck my father wanted . I hated even having to be around him ! So I was trying to get this shit over with! Besides I needed to get back home so I could call my best friend Reina.  I needed her to come over & help me do my homework on Kamir . She was good with that type of shit . I took a quick shower & threw on a cute pink suit . Afterwards I grabbed my keys & purse and headed out the door .
   By the time I was done dealing with my father I was in a worse mood than before . My brother and I had gotten into a heated argument.  Come to find out he had rode by my house and saw Kamir leaving out a few days ago ! Of course that had my father in a uproar ! I was tired of their asses trying to control me . I would see who ever the fuck I wanted when I wanted ! I sped out my father's drive way . Picking up my phone I called Kamir . It was now 7oclock in the evening and I still hadn't heard from him . I couldn't believe that he was really blowing me off .  I couldn't understand what the hell had happened . I thought Kamir & I had connected in some type of way . I thought he was feeling me the same way I was feeling him . I called him again . This time the phone went straight to voicemail . Arghhh! I screamed banging my hand on the steering wheel . I could feel my blood boiling ! Tears began to fall from my eyes . Why does every man have to hurt me . I said aloud . My father , My brothers , My first love and now Kamir . My heart was aching . I felt like hurting someone & that was a feeling I knew all to well.  Shit like this is how the last nigga ended up dead ! I said aloud . I laughed thinking back on my first love Markis . I was only 18 years old when I met him & fresh out of high school . I spent a lot of time with my father and brothers learning the family business ! The first job I had was Markis . I smiled at the thought of him . I'll never for get when he walked into the Restaurant  where we had planned to meet . He was tall and light skinned with short curly hair . He had one of those big beards perfectly lined like I liked them . Very muscular with tattoos adorning his body . From the moment I laid eyed on him I wanted him . But I didn't let him know that . After all I considered myself a virgin.  I had never had consensual sex . Wassup baby girl ? I'm Markis.  He said extending his hand.  I took his hand and firmly shook it .  I'm Senae.  I said shyly.  As the meeting progressed Markis had fluttered with me the entire time . He had made it clear that he wasn't afraid of my father & he wanted me . I think that's what turned me on the most . Anybody who would stand up to my asshole father  & brothers had my vote . We exchanged numbers & began to see each other . Markis treated me like a queen & in the beginning everything was good .  That is until his wife popped up at my apartment with their two kids . That shit drove me crazy ! This nigga had played me for a year straight . But what made matters worse he had the nerves to tell me he wasn't leaving his wife or children and I was just a thing .  Tuh,  I couldn't believe the guts of that mother fucker . A thing ? What the fuck was that? Obviously not what I had thought . That situation ended badly for all parties involved.  I burnt that mother fuckers house down with all of their asses inside ! Markis never fucked with me again !
I was now pulling into my drive way , I was glad to see Reina car already there . We needed to get right down to business . I got out the car & found Reina on the porch . Reina had been my best friend since middle school . When my father moved to the mansion he lives in now . Reina lived down the street.  Her parents was white & rich so of course she lived the perfect little fairy tale life.  I had envied her for years.  Because while I was living down the street getting used and abused . Reina on the other hand was enjoying life ! She had everything a young girl could ask for . Living life care free . She was pretty girl . Tall and skinny like a model.  She had the prettiest grey eyes & dark auburn hair . Damn girl what you do drive 100mph to get here . Reina joked as I approached her . I was in no mood for jokes so I walked passed her . Hey Reina , I said unlocking the door & walking inside my house . You okay Senae ? Reina asked in a concerned voice . I walked right up to my bar & poured my self a drink . I'm fine . I just need your help . I said . With what ? Reina asked I just need to find out some shit about some one I said . Reina looked at me with side eyes as if she knew I was up to something.  About who ? She asked with brow arched . His name is Kamir & before you even assume it's not even like that .  I lied.  Then what is like ? Reina shot back . I sighed running my fingers through my hair . I couldn't tell Reina the truth because then she would go into a speech on how I need stop chasing after men and all that . Look are you going to do this for me or not ? I snapped I don't got time for your 101 questions . For a moment Reina just stood there staring at me . Then finally she walked over to my computer.  I'm going to do this but Senae your ass better not be on no crazy shit . You already know you can't afford to get in anymore trouble.  She said.  Her dad was the family lawyer and had gotten me off on many of my crimes growing up . I rolled my eyes , Reina just stay out of my business . I'm not doing anything wrong . I told her . She gave me a look as if she didn't believe me . But I didn't give a fuck ! All I needed was for her to get me the info I needed then she could get out !
After dealing with Reina and getting all the info on Kamir Jackson that we can find I was now climbing into my bed for some much needed rest . I got comfortable and pulled out the photos I had printed off after Reina had left . One was of Kamir and his crew in front of his detail shop . Called Rich Stylez.  It had to be a old picture because Kamir looked much younger . The next one stood out to me . It was of Kamir a young woman and a older woman . Kamir stood next to the younger woman with his arm around her and the older lady on the opposite side of the girl.  The picture was labeled the grand opening of babies shop . I stared at the picture long and hard . Kamir and the girl looked comfortable together.  It was as if they were connected at the hip . Her smile & eyes was bright and deep down inside I felt jealousy .  She was beautiful & looked so happy . I quickly crumbled the picture up and threw it across the room . I was now climbing out of bed to go make myself a drink . After seeing that shit I definitely needed one . After rushing the drink I tried calming myself down .  I kept telling myself it was nothing.  Hell for all I knew that could have been his sister.  Or old fling . No matter how I hard I tried to convince myself my gut was telling me that the woman in those photos belong to Kamir.  My stomach began to turn at that thought . He couldn't possibly have a woman . He had stayed with me a whole week ! What woman would let her man stay away from home a whole week . I was playing so many different scenarios in my mind . I was missing Kamir like crazy and the thought of him with another woman made me want to hop on a plane and make my way to Houston Tx to find him.  I knew that idea was farfetched but as I called Kamir and again his phone went directly to voicemail it wasn't sounding so bad after all . After another drink I had managed to calm my self down.  Reina had also found a flyer for Kamir grand opening here in Miami , I knew it was only a matter of time before I saw my man again & I was sure there would be a explanation for all of this . I made my way back up to my bedroom . I climbed in bed and closed my eyes . I could still smell Kamirs cologne on my bedsheets . I pulled my cover up over my head and literally cried myself to sleep. 

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