Chapter 84

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Louis POV
Lydia is stunning. We clicked a couple of photos of her and Harry. We are surprising her with a really big birthday party for when she turns 16. It's crazy how she shows up to us. We change. Shes been through a lot. It's crazy. "Hey Louis so what dress is she wearing so we can match her" Niall says "um the red one" I say "ahh okay" Liam says "so we will go by a tux with a red Tie" zayn says "alright" we all say. Liam grabs his keys. We go to the store. We buys our sizes of suits and ties. With our fancy shoes. We buy gifts for her as well. Harry a necklace with his name and a diamond infinity ring . Me a ring a blue diamond . Zayn flowers and a purse. Liam and Niall. Well you'll see. We head back to the car. We start to pull out of the parking lot. We pull into the parking lot of the house. Zayn lays the flowers on the table. Liam puts the stuff in his closet room. We get into the car. Drive to Harry's house. "Okay dad what do we gotta do" Harry says "well we have to get these tables set up" Robin says we take the tables out. We set them up. We get out white table clothes and put them on the tables. We put glass vases on the tables. We won't by the red roses until the day of. We put  up the lights. We set up the stage where me and the guys are gonna sing for her. The party is ready to go. Her birthday is on wensday of next week. Surprisingly  we finished it in time. I wish her the best. Liam and Niall have the biggest surprise for her. After the party Harry is taking her for a little date where we will be meeting them on the bridge of there first date with the family. The bridge they walked on. He's gonna have candles put out. And at the end he's gonna be on one knee. They are  not getting married but it's a promise ring he's giving her. We will come out when we see him on one knee. I'm excited my best friend is turning 16.

Lydia's POV
We arrive at the restaurant. "Omg" I say. I totally forgot that we were coming here. Surprisingly I wasn't pretending to be surprised. "Surprise!" Anne says "aww thank you Anne" I say. We walk out of the car. I fix my dress. We start to walk to the restaurant. "Mrs.styles" the guy says "that's us" Anne says. We walk to our table. "What can I get for you today" the lady says "um and iced tea and a chicken salad" I say "make that three" Anne says "orders will be ready soon" the lady says. We smile at her and she walks away. "So have you and Harry did the dirty yet" Gemma blurts out "I'm sorry" I say "have you guys done the dirty" She Says "ummm" I say "Lydia have you always had an accent" Anne says "no, why" I say "because your speaking in one" Gemma says "zayn said the same thing the other day" I say "and Gemma yes we did" I say. They smile at me and I smile at them. Still wondering why she asked if me and Harry had sex. "You guys are really in love with each other huh" Gemma says "yeah. He's amazing. I don't wanna lose him. He's so much better than my last boyfriend. Harry never yells or hits or anything. He's just amazing,loving and romantic" I say "aww my baby's" Anne says. I let out a giggle. "Aww my sister in law and my brother" Gemma says "he's so happy. You make him the happiest" Gemma says "thank you" I say. "Here you guys go" the gentleman says "thank you" I say. He smiles and walks away. I Take a bite out of my salad. We get done eating our food. "Let's head home" Anne says "alright" me and Gemma say. We start walking out. "Umm I'll catching up with you guys in a minute I have to go to the bathroom" I say "okay" Gemma says. They walk away. I walk to the bathroom. I get done with my business. I fix my hair and my dress. I wash my hands. I walk out of the bathroom. I make my way but get stopped when someone grabs my wrist. "Where do you think your going cutie pie" a voice says. I turn around and there is a guy. "Let me go please" I say "please let me go" I say "no I won't do that" the man says "I saw you at the mall today" the voice says again. My heart stops beating for a Minute straight. "Please let me go" I say "let me go!" I say a bit louder. "Excuse me can you let the lady go" a voice says behind the man. He lest his grip go. "Now go and have a good day" the voice says to me. I smile and walk away. wanting to cry. I reach the car and get in. "Okay let's go" I say. Anne pulls out of the drive way and we make our way home. I want to break down and cry but not In front of Anne and Gemma. I can't. The ride home is nice a quit. I realized that we just pulled into the parking lot of my house. "Thank you for tonight it was amazing" I say "your very welcome" Anne and Gemma say  "love you guys goodnight" I say "love you to and goodnight" they say. I smile and walk out of the car. I wave them off and that's when the tears come rolling down my face. I open the door. "Hey how'd it g-" Liam says but he's cut off when he sees my tears. "Lydia what wrong" Liam says "I have to talk to zayn" I say "he's upstairs in nialls room" Liam says. I shake my head. I walk upstairs. "Zayn" I say through the door. The door opens. Zayns standing there. "Lydia whats wrong" he says "zayn he was there" I say "the guy at the mall he was there" I say " he grabbed my wrist and wouldn't let me go. He was there zayn. I couldn't cry in-front  of Anne and Gemma so I held it in until I walked in the door" I say sobbing. He grabs me into a hug. "Sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm sorry I didn't protect. Lydia I'm sorry for everything" zayn says "it's okay" I say. I cry A little Longer. "I have a surprise For you" zayn says "you do" I say "yeah come downstairs" zayn says. He grabs my hand and brings me downstairs. He hands me some red and pink roses. "Wow zayn there so lovely" I say a tear rolls down my cheek. He smiles at me and gives Me a hug. "You okay" Liam asks "yeah I'm fine" I say "I just needed to talk to zayn about something" I say "it's all taken care of" I say again.  The front door swings open. Harry  Louis and Niall walk in. "Hey babe your home" Harry says "yeah I'm home" I say. I give him a hug. "Well I'm gonna get ready for bed" I say "yeah I think we're about to leave to" zayn says "oh okay well I love you and goodnight" I say "me more and goodnight" Louis says. I give them a hug and kiss goodnight. I lock the door and shut the window and lock it. I shut the light off and lock the back door. I put the flowers in a vase. I walk up to my room. Harry walks in and jumps onto my bed. I take off my dress. I put on a blue mint colored t shirt . I put on some dark blue shorts. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face. I comb out  my hair and put in a bun. I walk to Liam's room. I shut his lights off,lock his window and give him a kiss. I walk to Niall's room. Shut his light off and lock his window and give him a kiss. I walk to my room. I pick up my clothes and put them in the hamper. I put my phone on the charger. Harry's already asleep. I lock my window. I shut off my light. I get in bed. "Goodnight Harold" I say and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight babe" he says back. I close my eyes knowing that I don't have to worry about anything. Just like that I fall into a deep sleep.

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