Chapterio Four

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Chapter Four

She was beautiful, was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw the girl. Her glasses were covering her blue almost electric blue eyes. Her brown with a dark blond highlight hair pulled into a pony tail leaving her side swept bangs hanging across her forehead.

No. I don’t like her. She’s just another girl that’ll judge me before even knowing me. I sighted internally and walked out of the room.

Just another day of hell, heading my way.


I sat in class, silently hoping for the bell to sound, startling the many who were falling asleep in their seats. No one listened to this teacher, he thought science was fun. Lame.

Well, I should correct myself. One person listened to the boring voice who thought he was one of the cool teachers, her name was Daniela, and she was the one I saw this morning.

She was completely obsessed with her grades, and I doubt she even had a life outside of school. Yes, I’m judging her. Might as well judge her before she judges me right? Wait, that made no sense.

Oh well. I’m full of nonsense.

The shrill of the bell send most the class flying out of there seats, flooding through the door. I sat there and waited for the madness to die down.

Daniela seemed to be writing last minute notes. Okay, I usually DON’T label people but she was most defiantly what the other kids would call. ‘Geek’ or ‘Nerd’. I’m not labeling her though cause it’s in my head, right? Right?

(A/N: Levent as internal arguments with himself)

I grabbed my bag, and unlike everyone else, I walked calmly out of the room. I slowly, yet slyly, emerged the white earbuds in to my ears. Turning the death metal on blast. I knew everyone could hear the music. I was standing at my locker, intensively ripping a bobby pin in two that I saw on the ground. I looked up, Only to noticed, James, THE bully.

“hah, you think you’re so strong that you can tear apart a bobby pin, Emo boy?” He smirked. I glared at him, yet put a smirk on my face.

“Hmm.. No. I think I’m so strong that I can beat you to a, little, bitty, pulp. And if I might add, a FAT pulp” my smirk.

“That makes no sense” He said rolling his eyes. “Pfft, your face doesn’t make sense, you should get your money back!” I glared

I smirked, amusement clear on my face when he pushed me into the locker.

“Hey, Come back, you’re not getting any skinnier!” I yelled. He shouldered a girl making all her books drop. I walked over taking one of my earbuds out. I picked up all her books and handed them to her slyly. “Thanks” She muttered shyly. I nodded as in “You’re welcome” and walked back to my locker.

The bell rang, informing me, I was late. Walking slowly, I walked into the class, all eyes on me. “What? Never seen a kid late before?” I rolled my eyes and sat in my seat, a scolding look coming from the teacher. That class went by fairly quick. It was still boring. I was just naturally smart. Everything a teacher has ever taught be I have already known. Just subconsciously in my brain.

“Levent” The teacher called out. I looked up. “What?” I asked, slouching more down in my chair. She glared at me. “Take your headphones out.” She scolded. I swear. Every teacher in this school has a scold plastered on to their faces.

“With all do respect, No.” I said. She just rolled her eyes at my childish acts. Pfft. I’m not a child. Well, Not physically. Maybe at heart I shall always remain 10 years old.

“With all do respect” The teacher mocked. “I’ll be seeing you in detention.” She glared. “Yes, Daniela?” The teacher said randomly pointing across the room. I looked over, only to realize, whatsherface was sitting right there.

“In school conduct, There is no rule against headphones..” Daniela stated shyly. I smirked but rolled my eyes. Teachers can be such hypocrites.

“Who asked you?” Some blonde blurted out, Jennie Santos. Teachers pet.

Daniela shied away, looking down at her paper. I glared at ‘Jennie’. She needs to be put in her place. Oh wait, She’s a girl. I can’t hit her. Oh well, Guess I can do nothing.


You know how teachers always ‘teach’ you to tell someone if you’re being bullied? Yet, They never do anything about it? That is how life is with me. Being bullied constantly, becomes natural in your daily routine, if you’re me.

That is what ran through my mind as I sat in the principles office, with a black eye. “Levent.” Principle Matt said when he sat at his desk looking at some papers.

“Stop acting like you’re in some FBI movie. It’s just school” I scoffed.

He glared, but looked back down at his papers. “Says here you have a history with gang fights, batteries, Juvy, Tell me One reason why you shouldn’t be expelled for this fight?” He glared.

I sat up more straight. “First off, I didn’t start the fight. Secondly. I tried to tell a teacher, No one listened, I had to stand up for myself. So if I get expelled for a teachers doing, Well, that just wouldn’t make sense.” I said slouching more, letting my black hair hang in my eyes.

I know I could be a bad person sometimes, but I was actually nice. Kind of. Well not really.

I can pretend right? I have no manners whatsoever. I fight who needs to be fought, Simple.

“Levent, James was knocked out, out cold, unconscious. What do I have to say to get it through your brain, that this kid can presses charges on you.” He scolded

“Actually, If he presses charges on me, I’ll press charges on the school for not doing anything about bullies.” I said very confident of myself. He just rolled his eyes. I hate how adults don’t take teenagers seriously.

They probably act more teenage than us. I stood up. “Nice little chat we’ve had here” I said and walked out of the room, angry. I was confident, but why do people have to be so STUPID?!!!

I stormed out of the school, California sun shining in my face.

Walking to my house, the sun was slowly fading away under a dark rain cloud. I sighed and walked more quickly.

Opening my front door to the quiet, forever empty house. I sighed sadly, as I did every time I walked in to my pitiful, dreary house.

I walked into the kitchen, grabbing in apple. Then something caught my eye…

My switchblade, on the counter.

A/N: Wellllllllll…..It’s Grahamers turn. I thought I’d leave a suspense, Graham, you know what happens so play along -glares-

Hope you liked it!!!!! I know it took a long time, but We’ve been busy.


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