Mommy dont let go

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•• past ••

" Mommy , mommy I want that one !"

I said pointing to a glass doll . The doll had pastel pink cheeks and baby blue eyes

" Are you sure sweetie because that is the only one you will get ? "

"Yes mommy " I said with a nod

When we paid I ran out the car

I started to bang on the window while saying " can you unlock it "

As we start driving my mother got a text it was form my big brother Adam asking if we could get milk . My mother started to swerve then a blue ford about 1984 came smashing toward us .

When I woke up the doc had been writing on the clip board

" Ah Alex your awake. how you feeling ? "

I didn't say any thing I haut nodded my head yes

" Where's my mom ? "

He looked at the floor

" Your see your mom is in the other room "

" Is she ok ? "

Omg is dead I know it

" Alex she saved your life ! when the crash happen the CTF only had one mask she gave it to you do you want to see her"

" Yes please "

As we walk up to her room I started at her lifeless body I whisper into the glass " mommy don't let go !"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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