Chapter 13: Where We Left Off

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I knew that the attic light was out, so I needed a flashlight. The bad news is my only flashlight is dead and the batteries are in the basement. I would use my phone light, but my phone is dead. I sighed at my options and knew I had to grow a pair. I was already paranoid and now I had to go to both of my least favorite places in the house. I made my way downstairs and to the basement door. Ugh. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The second my eyes landed on the dark basement stairs, my heart sunk. Did I mention that I hated the dark? Shivers ran down my spine at how cold the basement was. I quickly turned the lights on and looked back at the stairs. "God, why do I do this to myself...?" I said in frustration. I took a deep breath and slowly made my way down the stairs. I looked around once I reached the bottom. There were cobwebs with huge spiders in them and rat crap everywhere. "Ew..." I muttered beneath my breath as I stared at a spider in the corner of the room.

Just the thought of a spider falling on me made me speed the process up. I fast-walked to the shelf full of neglected items and dug through them. Drawer after drawer, I couldn't find them. I kneeled down and struggled to open the bottom drawer. Once I yanked it open, the entire drawer shook and wobbled. It was then that I remembered how the drawer ended up in the basement. I had gotten rid of it a few years back because one of its legs was broken and caused it to fall over all the time. By the time I realized what was about to happen, I was too late. I quickly scrambled backward as fast as I could. Just as I moved out of the way, the dresser fell only an inch away from my legs. I breathed heavily in shock. "D*mn it." I sighed out of breath. Now I have to try to flip this b*stard over. I calmed myself and stood up. I struggled to pick it up but eventually flipped it over. I reopened the bottom drawer and found the batteries. I took the whole package, knowing d*mn well I wasn't coming back down here after that chaos.

I made my way back upstairs and turned the lights off, shutting the door afterward. I sighed and went upstairs to grab the flashlight. As I was leaving, I felt a draft. I froze and my blood ran cold. I slowly turned and looked at my window. It was cracked open, slightly. I stared in absolute fear. He was in the house...I knew d*mn good and well that he was in the house. I side glanced at my phone on my bed. But it was dead...The landline, in the kitchen. I can run to it...I built up my courage and counted to three in my head. 1...2...3. I darted out of my room and practically dived down the stairs. I sprinted to the kitchen and quickly grabbed the phone, dialing Kyle's number. As it rang, I dug for a weapon and pulled out a kitchen knife. "Hello?" Kyle's tired voice answered. "Kyle! The killer's in the house!" I yelled into the phone. "What?" I could tell that that woke him the h*ll up. "What do you mean?" He asked worriedly. "He's in the house, I know he is!" I panicked. "I'm on my way!" He reassured.

I stood shaking as I held the knife in front of me. "How do you know he's in the house?" Kyle asked as he fiddled with his keys in the background. "M-My bedroom window was cracked open!" I flipped. Suddenly, his end went quiet. "Kyle?" I called out worriedly. "[Y/n]..." I heard him sigh. "What?" I said still freaked out. "I left your window open since your room was hot," Kyle responded. "W-What?" I said confused. "[Y/n], you're paranoid. And you have every reason to be, after what happened. But you're safe." He said reassuringly. I stood in shock for a few moments. After realization dawned on me, I shook my head in disbelief in myself. "I-..." I laughed. "I'll talk to you in the morning, Babe." He said and hung up. I placed the phone down and stared at the ground in front of me blankly. I'm so ridiculous, I swear. I laughed at my ridiculousness. I then jumped and screamed as the phone rang behind me. I nervously turned around and slowly picked it up. "Oh, I also left your patio lights on. So don't freak out over that too." Kyle added. I chuckled. "Okay, babe," I replied. "I love you," I said. "Love you too, babe." He said and hung up.

I smiled and went to put the knife back, but stopped myself. Maybe I should hold onto it, just in case? I closed the drawer and head to the living room with the knife. I grabbed the wireless phone and took it with me to my bedroom. I placed the knife and the phone on my bed and grabbed my flashlight. After putting batteries in it, I head to the hallway, where the attic entrance was. I reach for the string in the ceiling but was too short. Ugh, I hate being short. I jumped and grabbed it, tugging it back down with me. My left hand stung in pain from the wound. I looked down at it and brushed it off. The ladder unfolded down and allowed me entrance to the attic. I turned my flashlight on and peeked my head into the dusty space. I glanced around, then entered. I slowly walked around, looking at the different boxes.

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