something i wanted to say

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(Listen to music Lund-broken cover by NIHYX)

Maybe we are all tired?
Tired of being bitched about behind our back.
Tired of being laughed at.
Tired of being made fun of.
Tired of feeling ugly.
Tired of being ignored.
Tired of feeling unloved.
Tired of no one caring.
Tired of pretending being happy.

And Do you ever just get mad because you are spending your only teenager years wanting to jump off a cliff while others are having time of their life partying, being in love, doing their hobbies, hanging out with friends and just being good at things while you are just there trying to have all that and at the same time wanting to disappear in bed, sobbing unstoppably and wishing to just stop existing?

Because people don't get that it takes so much for a person to come to the point they want to harm themselves.

They don't get that it's a reaction on feeling worthless, on feeling empty.

Feeling So empty that you have to hurt yourself because if you don't. It doesn't feel real.

And it is so sad that to think people who self harm.







Are the most gentle

Who would rather hurt themselves than other people

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