Part 19

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Bela pov

I was waiting for mahir, i called him but his pa receive that call and said mahir had forget his cell in office only now i am too much worried for mahir
now its too late i just hope mahir is alright after sometime he show up

Bela : mahir aise kaun karta hai

Mahir : what happen

Bela : i was so worried for you even you forget your cell in office

Mahir : bela i am alright

Bela : if everything is alright then why are you late

Mahir : bela why are you acting like my wife

Bela : mahir i was worried for you

Mahir : why you are worried

Bela : mahir

Mahir : oh you are feeling pity on me as my girlfriend ditch me you must be thinking that i couldn't able to handle my girlfriend

Bela : mahir why would i think like this and how can you think like this about me

Mahir : bela why she did this to me

He said this and sit on sofa with his crying face i was shocked after watching his condition i sit beside him and trying to console him even i was not getting word what to say him

Bela : mahir

Mahir : there must be missing something in my love

Bela : mahir why are you saying like this its not your fault, she cheated on you

Mahir : but why me i love her

As he said this i quickly hug him

Bela : shhhh mahir forget all this it will give you pain only

Mahir : i can forget everything but not her betrayal

For the first time i saw him in such a devasted state just because of that anu mahir is in this condition then i break the hug and hold his face and said

Bela : then what will you do just because of that girl you will give pain to yourself, mahir whatever happen its for good

Mahir : now what is good in this

Bela : She never loved you, if she did, she would never cheat you , now you are free from this fake relationship

Mahir : but bela how stupid i am i trust her blindly

Bela : mahir forget all this

Mahir : its not that easy bela

Bela : but you can try it, not for yourself but for those people who are connected to you

Mahir : i will try bela

Bela : thats good

Mahir : bela i am sorry

Bela : why

Mahir : i talk very rudely with you

Bela : mahir no need to say sorry i can understand your situation

Mahir : thank u, bela for understanding me so well

Bela : mahir stop all this sorry and thanku game

Mahir : ok as you say miss doctor

Bela : do you had your dinner

Mahir : no

Bela : then come first have your dinner

Mahir : bela i am not hungry

Bela : but i am

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