The scene (Chapter one)

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Betrayal of Evil Twins

By Marshall Makhubo

Please note that the content has not been edited it might have grammar errors however, the novel "Love Lies Beautiful and ugly" has been edited by professionals a publishing company.

It was not my intention to do what I did to him. He has saved me from a lot of bad things in my life. No matter how wrong I was he still stood for me. He always reprimanded from making bad decisions. I have done a lot in my life which could have led me to death or behind bars but because of him I am a free man and I am not dead. I made a decision out of anger and now he is dead. It hurts me that my cousin, brother and best friend is dead. I am the reason of his death. I wish I could bring him back. I could have allowed him to explain why he had an affair with the girl I was planning to marry.

"I am sorry brother," said Loyiso while crying.

"Are you admitting that you killed him?" asked Ellen.

"Yes I admit," said Loyiso.

"You will spend the rest of your life in prison if you admit to this crime. We have to come up with something," said Ellen.

"I have to pay for what I did to my brother," said Loyiso.

"I am your lawyer and you pay me to get you out of trouble," said Ellen.

"I deserve to rot in prison," said Loyiso.

"I will not let that happen under my watch. Tell me everything that happened start from the beginning," said Ellen.

All my life I have been a womanizer. I have dated a lot of women in my life but the women I almost fell in love with was Palesa, Amanda and Lesego. Thulani saw some good in me. At first he asked me to be loyal to Palesa. I never had time for Palesa all I wanted was to hang around with the guys at the corner. Look at girls pass by and chase them. We were those boys who ran after every attractive girl. Thulani was a poet he was good with words. He managed to charm a lot of girls and mislead them with his manipulation. I learnt the game from the best. He always referred to himself to Iago the great villain from 'Othello.' Every late night after man-whoring with the crew he would force me to go and see Palesa. It was weird at first as he would come with me as if he did not have a girlfriend to spend time with. We would kiss and he would stand there busy on his mobile phone. At some point I told Sihle a friend of mine that my brother accompanies me to see my girlfriend and we do not get our privacy. Sihle tried to talk to him but Thulani did not care. Every time I was with Palesa he was also there. I feel bad because I have never accompanied him to see his girlfriend.


"Loyiso I am going to see my girlfriend please come with me," requested Thulani.

"I do not think it is a good idea. I do not want to look like a fool," said Loyiso.

"You will not look like a fool," said Thulani.

"I want to see my friends and hang out with them," said Loyiso.

"We might as well as go together," said Thulani.

"What about your girlfriend?" asked Loyiso.

"I will see her next time. I also feel like hanging out with our friends," said Thulani.

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