Chapter 6

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Jungkook slowly peered his eyes open the next morning. He quickly came to as he realised he was still in Jimin's bed, but the older wasn't lying next to him anymore. But his morning fantasies of seeing Jimin wake up with tufts of messy blonde hair and drool on his cheek however abruptly dissolved as the young student came in moments later holding a glass of water and two different coloured tablets in his hands.

"Good morning, koo." Jimin greeted him.

"G'morning." The black-haired male answered lethargically. He didn't feel sleepy, but he supposed he was more worn out than he thought.

"I got you some water. How are you feeling? Especially after last night."

"Last night?" The younger asked quizzically.

"Yeah" the blonde spoke in a surprised tone. "You were running a fever; you were so hot I could feel it lying next to you! I got so worried and then you started sweating like crazy so I put the washcloth on your head to cool you down. But you just kept getting worse; started talking and saying things in your sleep and you became so restless... but I got you water and some medicine for when you wake up." Jimin rambled in one big breath.

The raven-haired boy immediately drew his hand to his forehead, feeling the damp cloth sticking to the skin above his eyes. Completely dumbfounded at his best friend's words, Jungkook didn't have a single recollection of any of that happening in his sleep.

"I'm sorry, I don't really remember any of that. I just know I had a pretty weird dream." Jungkook spoke apologetically.

"A dream? What was it about?" The blonde asked him.

"it was... uh... a really big gate and... a shadow man. But then the shadow turned into...uh.. I can't really remember anything from that point on."

"Koo, take your time to rest, you clearly hit your head harder than you thought." Oh man, usually Taehyung is better as understanding this creative non-sense than I am. "But anyways, how are you feeling now?"

"Pretty great actually."

"I'm just glad you're better now." So now you can leave and I can get to my lecture.

Jungkook lifted his head to look at the older boy standing beside his bed. His tone shifted between his sentences twice, making Jungkook's expression morph into a questioning look.

"What?" Jimin asked. "Can't I be happy about you feeling better-"

"Right. your lectures... I shouldn't hold you up here." He said, disheartened about needing to leave, but he knows how important the blonde student's education is to him.

"My lectures? What are you saying all of a sudden? just rest up in bed, koo." The blonde suddenly took back his words from before.

"But you said you-"

"My lectures can wait, you're more important." How did he know I'm missing lectures?

"Don't talk about me in third person! I'm sitting right here, y'know?" Jungkook retaliated, agitatedly.

"Jungkook, what-"

"Look, it's fine, I'll go to Tae. He does take good care of me better and besides; he always spoils me when I say I'm not feeling well." The black-haired male said cheekily in a light tone, knowing he always gets his way when it comes to his other best friend.

"Geez, are you reading my mind this morning or what?" Jimin jeered. "But yeah, that boy sure has a soft spot for you, I swear. He can never say no when it comes to you." He smiled cheekily.

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