Chapter 1 - Just an Ordinary Day

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Leo's POV

"Wake up!" Nyssa screamed in his ear, thus fulfilling the intended purpose. Waking him up. Kinda. "Ugghhmm." Leo mumbled, still half asleep "But why?" "It's 9:30. You're gonna be late to your math class." And with that, the latino jumped out of bed, literally. "I'm up!" He rushed to the bathroom and threw some clothes on. The daily.

It's not that he really liked math, it's just that this particular math class is the only class in which he sits beside his crush, Jason Grace. Sure, he had other classes with him, but he either sits diagonally, behind or in front of the blonde so this math class was kinda special for him.

He walked down the stairs to eat breakfast. His family consisted of his mom, Esperanza Valdez, his dad, Hephaestus, his sister, Nyssa and his half brother, Jake. He also had a brother named Charles but he moved away with his wife Selena Beauregard so they couln't really communicate as often as they used to anymore. "Woof!" His dog, Festus, barked as if he could break the 4th wall and was saying: "Dude, what about me!".

After eating, Hephaestus drove him to school. The time was 9:52. Fuck, 12 minutes late. Leo ran inside the school building and continued towards his classroom. When he got there, he was a panting mess. "Sorry for being late. I accidentally slept in." The latino said to his teacher, Ms. Athena. She just sighed, rolled her eyes and continued on with her lesson. Leo sat down on his chair.

"Rough morning?" Jason whispered and shot Leo a warm, slightly pityful smile that made the boy in question melt. He nodded. "Mhm. Stayed up late last night, studying." The taller nodded his head slightly as if understanding even though it was a complete lie. Well it technically wasn't a lie, just not the full truth. In reality, he had stayed up all night watching Netflix and only fell asleep at 4:00 am.

Jason looked great as always. His purple T-shirt tucked neatly into his dark blue denim jeans. His eyes're a deep sky blue. They have this spark to them, making it look like there's blue lightning in them. His hair was nice shade of blonde that got lighter at the tips. His skin was absolutely flawless except for that small scar on his top lip that Leo had no idea what the cause of it was. It should've been a flaw, but no, Jason Grace somehow managed to make it look cool. Jason Grace has this incredible ability to make everything look cool. How does he even do that!? He could probably wear the most hideous, ugly and embarrassing christmas sweater ever and make it look like something from an s-class fasion magazine.

Anyways. Jason was muscular but not too muscular. His hands were kinda big but not really, probably the right size to fit Leo's own if they ever ended up holding hands. But that'll never happen. Why? Because Jason Grace is straight and it absolutely sucked. How did the latino know that? Because Jason had previously dated Popular Girl Reyna and they were still close and hung out together so who were to say that they didn't actually break up and were stull pursuing a relationship in secret? And why would they do that? Because when ReyRey and JayJay got together, they got a lot of attention by pretty much everyone and continued to get attention until two-or-so weeks after they ended it, so maybe they faked a breakup so they could be happy together in peace. Or maybe Leo's just looking too deep into things. Nah, that can't be it.

"Do you have a spare pencil? I forgot mine at home." The blonde boy asked, turning around to the brunette. "Uhhh... yeeah, I- uh should have one right here." He replied awkwardly while searching around in his backpack. Smooth, Valdez. Real smooth. He thought sarcastically to himself. "There. Here you go." Leo flashed a smile, holding up a pencil. "Thanks." Jason took the pencil and accidentally brushed his fingers with the latino. Leo had to force him self not to blush. "Y-You're welcome..." He mumbled, silently cursing himself for stuttering. When he looked back, Leo thought he saw some pink on the others cheeks but he just blamed it on is imagination.

The lesson itself was boring. Leo had always been good at math so he didn't really pay that much attention. Ms. Athena was only repeating stuff they'd already been over anyways. Jason on the other hand looked like he was struggling a bit. He kept running his hand through his hair and sticking the tip of his tounge out of his mouth, occasionally licking his lips just a tiny bit. Not that Leo was complaing, the image was rather hot to him.

The bell rang, indicating that the lesson was over. The latino put his things away and was about to walk away when someone put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Jason smiling at him with his lovely, eletric blue eyes. Damn. Leo thought. I could get used to those staring at me. Hearing the voice of the owner of said eyes snapped him out of it. "Want this back?" He asked, holding out the pencil he borrowed. "Nah. It's fine, you can keep it. I've got plenty more at home. Besides, you'll need it later since you don't have a pencil of your own." The latino said to the blonde, who nodded. "Ok. Thank you." Jason smiled before walking out of the room. Leo could only manage a shy smile before walking out too.

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